Made in China: The International Kingpin

Photo Credit: Paper Blog

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Major Update  

The Chinese man who claimed to be the first to have successfully created a "gene-edited" babies is now...
MISSING possible arrested. Daily Mail article. #LostSoulzAlert!!!!

Made in China:
The International Kingpin

Over the years, especially at the election of Donald J Trump, the West has been infatuation with the movements of Russia. Which do not get me wrong is something to pay attention to just off the fact of their might, population among other things.

The real country that is giving a yell to the international community that they are playing for keeps and longevity is China.

We would like to give you some sudden examples of why China is really a threat not only to the West but the world as a whole.

Recently in MIT Technology Review, this is the headline

Do you know what this means? 

Yes,  they are now claiming that they have the 1st country to introduce a "designer" "edited" babies.

Clustered Regularly Inter-spaced Short Palindromic Repeats

The United States spends more in the Military Industrial Complex than anything else, as other countries are ramping up their technology, productivity among other things.

China is not excluded from military spending but does it on a more beneficial and balanced way compared to their future goals of longevity.

Just today, China reveals its new 3rd homemade aircraft carrier, where a suspected "mock" version was released a few weeks ago is now confirmed to be accurate.

Photo Credit: Next big Future
In the years between 2010-2017 Brown University told CNN 
that China's military ventures rose 8%, with the Chinese 210-320

A study from Brown University shows that the USA has spent 5.9 Trillion (Yes with a T) TRILLION dollars on this very mission.

China in the last five years has spent 1.76 Trillion Yuan ($279 Billion US dollars) on research & development according to a report out of CNBC. Which mind you is a 14% jump from the year before. 

Photo Credit: Sputnik International

The steady and constant growth of China's answer to NATO as well as the Eastern military & economical powerhouse The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) for which we have covered in depth in The Factual Dragnet "Shanghai Cooperation Organization" written in 2016.

As the rest of the world is concentrating on other "white noises", China is cornering every market they can to be on top for the upcoming future to be the undisputed heavy weight champ of leading the world.

A prime example of this is the recently released information of China developing their own $9 Billion version of GPS to combat with the Western version. 

This is HUGE for many reasons. Think of all the things we use from our cell phone's, tablets, space satellites etc that use some form of GPS.

Editor's Note:
Please checkout the article through Independent  "China plans to launch it's own artificial moon

The city of Chengdu is launching this device to save electricity and light up the poor and dangerous areas of China.


Photo Credit: Humans are Free
Google employees are doing their best to stop the spread of it's tentacles by putting a signed public letter to the internet powerhouse to stop China from making their own integrated search engine, which is called Project Dragonfly. Expanding it's surveillance and tracking power upon their citizens and abroad.

An even more scary part of this is how will the Chinese censorship work in America if we end up using their technology?    

In the coming months, we will add to this series more and more as we approach more sanctions, trade wars and flat out war.





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