DeadMan~X~ Scrollz: The Real World Order

 Photo Credit: ~X~ of TFD
Written By: ~X~ of TFD
DeadMan~X~ Scrollz: 
The Real World Order
The scars of our pain is a definitive reminder, the past was indeed real.
Fall in love with your demons. Run to the fire. 
Stand against the grain.
Fight whats right and not easy. 
Question everything including ones self and don't you dare believe anything with out sourced documented verified proof.
Keep your emotions in's the limit & the world is at your fingertips.
We partied over time...
The revolution is being forced...manipulated.
the babies are the parents and the parents the babies.
We switch shackles for signatures.
We do things like circus animals for clicks, shares, likes and false praise.
I am the K.O.S. 
(King of Sorrow) 
The DeadMan...I cry everyone's tears.
My life hasn't been about me in years.
I often trade places and put on other shoes to know without doubt.
You gotta find a way to win or your precious soul is gone.
I walk in the shadows
The dark is my friend
Karma is my faithful wife 
and knowledge and wisdom be my divine children.
A teacher who has never been ego'd to not be a student.
Focused on growth, development, positivity, prosperous, and productivity.
To be a voice for the voiceless, with fearless and swift accuracy.
Humble as the dust that sweeps over the desserts plains.
A cool breeze on a hot day, to the warmth and fire in the bitterest cold.
Alone inside my mind is not a prison but my sanctuary to become balanced & content.
Photo Credit: Youtube
A Loud Onion...alway's stand up and many layers.
I'm the open book with many missing pages but yet is a number #1 seller baby.
I don't get tested by the Devil, I keep knocking at his door to challenge him in a gentleman game of...Chess with Michael smiling over my shoulders.
As the demons are my friends. I dance and grow with the Cherubim. The arch angels watches the smoke swirl in harmony with the light of the Harvest Moon.
I have a question...? 
Would you like to see how deep the rabbit hole goes?
Let's take off the labels, categorizations and get to the roots.
Take a stand! Lead with love but lead firm. If they get mad you hit a nerve. Stay humble and grow...
Till next time my friends....
I love you...
love ya self 
teach the next the same.
Carry on :)
The honorable and humble servant for humanity. Your neighborhood  
Rush "DeadMan~X~" Perez


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