The Idiots Among Us: Attention Congress: KNOW YOUR ROLE!

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Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Attention Congress: KNOW YOUR ROLE!

In my Pinky from Friday the movie voice, "Say it again! Say it again!!!!!"

This is by far one of the candid of the Idiots Among Us Episode #4. We have BEEN telling the public to not look at the pretty leaves, but go to the ROOT of the issue. 

Power does not lie only in a President. It is a puppet post. In the #AgeOfHypocrisy, case and point. Notice the President is switched out every 4-8 years, (SElected not ELected) but Congress and the Cabinet...

Not so much.

SwitchBlade goes into the comments from actual Congress people not the just the public's comments. The back and forth "prick waiving" (to quote the late George Carlin) is one of the oldest and most used disinformation tools the tyrannical government uses on its people.

Like, Comment, Share to media outlets, friends, family, Twitter, wherever. 
 Focus people!

Does anyone know what they are doing? Or is this controlled chaos with a twist of beautiful pain your children and children's children will talk about and be affected from for a long time.

Ponder that.


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