ACTivism: Facts Matter

Photo Credit: Hines Sight

Written By: Puck Arks

ACTivism: Facts Matter

Facts matter, perhaps more than ever. Once you’ve identified an issue and you’ve decided you want to fight, it’s imperative that you have every bit of information you can get your hands on. You need the facts not just assumptions, nor just passion. As they say know your enemy. Not only that, you can easily make a fool out of yourself if you start activism with only passion and don’t know what you’re talking about when confronted by those who oppose your point of view. 

A good activists, doesn’t take no for an answer. The truth is out there, and we must stop at nothing to uncover it. This takes courage, patience and dogged persistence. It often means asking the same question over and over. Or repeating the same facts over and over. This repetition is, actually, an important part of having an impact — i.e., continuously repeating accurate information so that the issue under investigation will not go away or be ignored.

As an activist, we must do whatever we can to learn and have facts about our cause. This will help make everyone a better activist by giving us the knowledge we need to educate others and ignite change, especially by those who will use our own ignorance to discredit everything we are attempting to bring awareness to.


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