Op-Ed: Balance Zen #NoNegativity

 By: DeadMan~X~
Op-Ed: Balance Zen

That is why I have really cut off my accessibility to some people and places.
Why I switched up who gets my hard work and loyalty and not just giving it away like a lottery.
First step in being balanced is understanding your own worth, so that others have a bar to go by.
Often times, I witness people making excuses more and more of why they stay around toxicity. Yes, this does include myself.
We as a people need to stop this wasteful tactic. 
Recently, I have really had my late Mother on my mind, more than usual. 
She always drilled this in my head,
"Son, remember the way and reason you meet the people in your life. Don't expect it to not comeback to you again. What they did to the next, they will, if the temperature and situation is right, will do unto you."
VERY wise advice. Not just cause it is my mom, but on a logical front.
Constant talk about differences, and everyone just want to be DIFFERENT.
People, simmer down!
rezoud desann
"settle down" in Haitian Creole
You are
(wait for it)
This is also the time of year that you as a person working on being centered and balanced, should be using this time to not only wrap up the year, cross your T's & dot your I's, but also a time to reflect with in yourself.
Don't let your past define you, but don't sweep it under the rug without a lesson learned.
Start speaking and greeting one another as what we look at ourselves as.

"Whats up my nigga?!" 
"What's up my king/brother?"
"What's up my bitch
"Hey my Queen"
Moral of the story
Language, sound, speech, VIBRATIONS are the center of everything. 

Photo Credit: Wake up World
This 2019 is really going to be exciting!!!
Many amazing new things coming like me finishing this last album for you all. So def look out for some slamming smoking music with the help of A. State Music Studio and many artist I have been blessed to know work with, work for, or had work for me through my label Club Havoc Enterpisez
Four, maybe five books I have lined up and ready to get printed
1. My private poem collection DeadMan~X~ Scrollz
 2. Volume 1 & 2 of the best of #TFD The Factual Dragnet 
 3. Small Business Advice and Resource Booklet
4. A Survival Guide book of things I have done and may work for you to get prepared for anything that may happen. Furthermore, just a skill book that everyone should know or at least have knowledge of.
Maybe number 5. a Cookbook...meh lulz

#ATG will be BACK ON AIR!!! Whoo-hoo! 
Yes, I am in an excellent state to return back to the waves hitting you with information that effects your kitchen table that you won't get in your local or even national news. 
(At least not factually without spin & fuckery)
We are going to have shows at minimally four times a week. This does not include the special reports and emergency shows that may arise. I owe that to you all. 
 Photo Credit: Patheos
Thank you to EVERYONE of you beautiful human beings for all the 100's of messages, good vibes, encouragement, commitment, faith, prayers, emails and all. You all still stayed here with is as we pushed through all the crazy fuckery. 
From our pages and sites being totally wiped out for no reason and without reason. To members being suddenly deactivated, profiles erased, NSA on our broadcast, funny stats from random or unknown sources on our platform. 
(Yes dumb asses. I was not kidding whatsoever when I said I watch the watchers. Dummies) 
And no it is not a "VPN" either, just for the record:)
So, get your mental and energy balanced in this last stretch of 2018. Be content or at least strive for it. 
Stay focused and in tune with your star player in your life...YOU!
"Skies the limit, and the world my friends, is indeed at your fingertips!"


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