Estonia: Here Is Why You Should Care

 Photo Credit: The Context of Things

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Estonia: Here Is Why You Should Care

Estonia is by far one of those "none or barely talked about" countries. 

But, as they say with little people, "big things come in small packages" and indeed after reading this piece you will understand, we are in that time.

Two years ago or so in the Facebook group for The Real World Order Movement/Family, I bought to the attention of everyone the National ID Card System that Jamaica was, at that time, just developing.

In Estonia, no privacy and "The Internet of Things" to that level of conversation that it becomes something you definitely have to #DYOR (Do Your Own Research) on just to make sure your not getting fed fuckery.

So, buckle up ladies and gents, as we go down the rabbit hole of why you should care about Estonia.

Photo Credit: Britannica
Lets get into who, where, when of Estonia. Now, as a editor's note I will out of respect for Estonians NOT get into the "history" or past of the country. But I do invite you to #DYOR and check it out on your own. 

It is good to know but this is not the piece for that.

Estonia is located in a very interesting place on the map in Europe/ Nordic region. Estonia borders, Latvia, big bad Russia (Western dry humor), and Finland. Finland is basically the best friend, ride or die for Estonia.

Let's get into some basic stats for this powerful New World Order city

Estonians Flag
Colors: Blue, Black & White

We can go even deeper, but I want to focus on the digitization, automation and increasingly devastation soon to come. 

Photo Credit: Josanne Cassar

Kiss it gone, that ship has long sailed peeps

e- World Order 

Estonia is completely surveyed. There is no such thing as "privacy". 

Not only are about 98% of all the residents who calls this beautiful, mostly forested territory, all linked into the governments mass system, but it is VERY difficult to live, let alone survive in Estonia without being link to the system. (Sounds like a few PedoWood movies hey...)  


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