A Peaceful Warrior By: Puck Arks

 Photo Credit: Robin Afinowich

Written By: Puck Arks

A Peaceful Warrior

To become a peaceful warrior one must first fight their own negative tendencies and wrong beliefs. Peaceful warriors are honorable, courageous and compassionate human beings who make a difference by having lived and lived well. However, the toughest battles for a peaceful warrior are internal but once conquered translate into increasing clarity, wisdom, peace, faith, and compassion. 

A peaceful warriors main weapon is love

Love is not the overly emotional or passionate rapture we see in the movies. Love is the absolute absence of fear. When there is no fear, there is no need to justify or defend our beliefs. I cannot stress enough the need to choose love over fear every step of the way, because that choice alone marks the difference between resisting change (holding on to the past) and embracing what is happening and what is yet to come, while allowing your divine nature and true power of a peaceful warrior to emerge.

A peaceful warrior is an inspiring individual not a leader but one who allows love to be the teacher. As a peaceful warrior, it is understood of the need to persistently loosen the links that make up the chain of command and any type of leadership. They are not the one who rallies up the masses to do what he or she wants; this is just politics or, as I see it, the art of manipulation no matter what the cause. Rather than directing others, a peaceful warrior uplifts individuals with ideas, words, or actions, and inspires them to take full responsibility for their own peace and happiness—to lead their own lives.

The mission of a peaceful warrior is inspiring, serving, and empowering others. As a peaceful warrior, one must turn into a vehicle of light, allowing the understanding and wisdom acquired through self-exploration to shine through, without any appropriation of it. 

Photo Credit: Practical Life Guide
 A peaceful warrior sheds the self-importance of ego and focuses on serving others with love, compassion, kindness and understanding for all.


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