Estonia: Here Is Why You Should Care
Photo Credit: The Context of Things Written By: ~X~ of TFD Estonia: Here Is Why You Should Care E stonia is by far one of those " none or barely talked about " countries. B ut, as they say with little people, " big things come in small packages " and indeed after reading this piece you will understand, we are in that time. T wo years ago or so in the Facebook group for The Real World Order Movement/Family , I bought to the attention of everyone the National ID Card System that Jamaica was, at that time, just developing. I n Estonia, no privacy and " The Internet of Things " to that level of conversation that it becomes something you definitely have to #DYOR ( Do Your Own Research ) on just to make sure your not getting fed fuckery. S o, buckle up ladies and gents, as we go down the rabbit hole of why you should care about Estonia. First Photo Credit: Britannica L ets get into who, where, when of Estonia. Now...