Op Ed: Ponder This Completely-Khashoogi By: Omicron Chief Admin of ANT/ANTRN

Written By: Omicron Chief Admin of ANT/ANTRN

 Op Ed: Ponder This Completely- Khashoogi 

Khashoogi was no ordinary reporter. He was a Saudi citizen, not American, and was merely a US resident, who got his gig at the Washington post after being an advisor to the Saudi Ambassador. 

He has also been reported by #drawandstrike I believe as having Al Qaeda contacts, something that would not be surprising as Saudis matched USG contributions to Mujaheddin in Afghanistan in the 1980's dollar for dollar. 

After Khashoogi broke with the Saudis and took the WP gig, it was clear to Khashoogi that he was persona non greater to the Saudis. Even Khashoogi's #MSM friends acknowledge this point.

Yet, the #MSM is gas-lighting the public into turning on Saudi Arabia at the behest of the Turks. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind some payback for 9/11. After all, it was Saudis hijacking planes. Yet, there's one convenient question the #MSM can't answer about Khashoogi, the most common sense question to this entire mess. 

It's so simple, it should have hit me the moment the story broke. If someone genuinely believes that they are enemies with the Saudis, and, knowing the Saudis as intimately as Khashoogi did, why would Khashoogi, who is an American resident, deliver himself to the Saudis Diplomatic mission in Turkey?

Seriously, he could have insisted on meeting the Saudis in DC, where he lives, and that way, his editors could have taken precautions to ensure his safety. 

Yet, he didn't. Instead, he flew halfway around the world to meet them. Khashoogi literally flew to a country with a notorious shit-hole prison system to meet with folks who wanted to do violence to him----and he was aware that he was not welcome in their company. This either makes Khashoogi the front runner for this year's Darwin Award or else it means something greater is occurring and my scrilla is on the latter. 

I don't know specifically how this went down, but let's take a look at the ramifications of the event. If this plays out the way the #MSM wants, the winner is Turkey and the loser is Saudi Arabia. But Saudi Arabia is irrelevant. 

Oil is fungible

They'll sell their oil somewhere and be just fine, but the enhancement of our relationship with Turkey would be a massive coup for the globalist prog-tards. 

Do you believe it's a coincidence that right after Turkey releases the American priest that Khashoogi disappears at the Saudi diplomatic mission in Turkey? 

Look at Western European elections. Pro-Erdogen Islamic parties are popping up all over Western Europe like vultures on a carcass. And how are those parties forming? They're forming because Erdogen is sending his people to Europe faster than a Kardashian can find a closet at a frat party. 

But hey, let's look at the Pan-Nationalist movement as we call it. Europe + North America reasserting national sovereignty over the globo-homo prog-tard BS being pushed by the Uni-party in the US + the EU in Europe. 

Pushing the US close to Turkey, whatever the price needs to be paid, would threaten the Pan-Nationalist movement, as it would drive a major wedge between European nationalists and US nationalists, as Turkey is a major player in flooding Europe with migrants.

Strangely, if this plays out and we cut ties with Saudis + back Turks, it has the unintended consequence of driving a wedge in the reassertion of national sovereignty movement. 

So, what do I believe happened to Khashoogi?

One of three possibilities

1. First, The Saudis could have been encouraged by US that there's no consequences if they want to take out Khashoogi and Khashoogi was encouraged to go. 


2. Second possibility is that Khashoogi was knocked out by the Turks and blame delivered to the Saudi doorstep.

3. Third possibility is Khashoogi was encouraged to meet Saudis and Saudis were kept out of the loop from US intelligence, but it didn't matter because nature would take it's course.

Pushing for an ascendant Turkey, an insurgent Erdogen only makes sense if your goal is to push for flooding Europe with more migrants. 

Whose agenda is that? 

It's the globalists agenda

Who is actually pushing this story? 

The Globo-homo Prog-tards

What we are seeing with the Khashoogi story is a repeat of Syria. It's an effort to push Trump to implement the globalist’s foreign policy agenda, whether he likes it or not. 

Don't believe me? 

What's the odds Turkey releases the Priest, this Khashoogi idiot knowingly goes into to the Lions den, Turkey benefits, and if Trump doesn't go along, then MSM will gaslight Trump a few weeks before the midterms?



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