The Real Truth: Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation

Photo Credit: White House.Gov

Written By: Puck Arks

The Real Truth:

Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation

Do not be fooled by the EO, it’s a load of manipulation in attempt to appease the masses. 

The actual text has been released. It varies from initial news reports. Here is the document. Please note the following

1. We need to see this as a victory. Trump had to back down because of sheer outrage.

2. Beware of the Details...

a) The thousands of children already removed need to get back to families now. There is no plan or provision for that. 

b) In a dramatic departure from prior administrations, Trump is not backing down from his zero tolerance initiative. This means that he will continue to press criminal charges against people crossing the border, pending determination about their case. 

c) Trump seeks to overturn all restrictions on the length of time families can be detained. So while it is true that he is not separating children, he is detaining entire families. 

d) Trump wants to detain such families indefinitely -- meaning, until there is a determination in their Immigration status and request for asylum. 

e) Sessions continues in his policy declaring that domestic violence and gang violence are no longer bases for asylum requests.

f) Once denied asylum, they are deported.

g) This means that they resemble more of what we had in World War II: entire detention facilities for children.



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