ACTivism: Where Do We Begin? By Puck Arks

Written By: Puck Arks 

ACTivism: Where Do We Begin?

The survival of Mother Earth and humanity’s consciousness is calling each of us, all of us whether we are aware or not to this awakening. The time has arrived where we must embrace our own individual power, find our own voice, and our own talents of being an active participant to bring about change in this world. There will be obstacles and it is not an easy life. 

Most activists are broke or struggling because we refuse to comply to a system meant to oppress or enslave. In my very humble opinion anyone who accepts money to be an activist whether it be writing, speaking engagements, public events etc is already part of the system they are attempting to change.

So where does one begin? For me it’s not a difficult question. One must follow their heart, their passion, that which feeds the soul daily and yes that fire burning from the inside out to the point that silence is no longer an option nor will we submit to the injustices which plague our existence. We must pay attention to our calling, our interests, outrages and what inspires us.

We can contribute to the change we seek by no longer being silent. Start being mindful of the impact and energy we bring with us in our everyday interactions and environments. Whether it be with family, community, school, or the workplace. The way we interact with the people around us in everyday life, which includes the seeds planted in children and personal behaviors even when you think no one is watching. 

The kindness you show a neighbor or a total stranger. You play a vital role by bringing love, compassion and peace to the world by spreading love, compassion and peace yourself. 

 Photo Credit: EMaze
 The energy we emit radiates outwards reaching all levels of consciousness. It all begins with us as individuals, and it is not a fad nor a whim, activism is indeed a way of life.


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