
Showing posts from June, 2018

Op-Ed: Why I’m an Anarchist By: Puck Arks

Written By: Puck Arks Why I’m an Anarchist " Government ” is a monopoly on initiated aggression over a given geographical region funded by extortion and propped up by the belief in the myth of authority. While anarchy consists of peaceful, loving and responsible individuals engaging in voluntary and consensual interaction.  A narchists are commonly associated with bomb-throwing and mayhem on the streets, but in reality that is the government, religion and media’s objective. They need a subservient so ciety in order to maintain control for their oppressive, egotistical agenda.  A narchy is a society based on mutual aid, sharing, collaboration, and freedom. A world that values people where everyone is free to follow their passions. A people who are empowered to solve problems as a community. There is a break with authority where we feel comfortable with not obeying and not having the instinct to obey but are comfortable with our ability to to govern no o...

My Happiness: Why I smile By: Puck Arks

Written By: Puck Arks My Happiness: Why I smile W aking up this morning I smile.  M y resources for practice are my own peace and joy.  I vow to cultivate and nourish them with daily mindfulness.  F or my ancestors family, future generations, and the whole of humanity, I vow to practice well.  I n society I know there are countless people suffering, drowned in sensual pleasure, jealousy, and hatred. I am determined to take care of my own mental formations, to learn the art of deep listening and using loving speech in order to encourage communication and understanding and to be able to accept and love.  I vow to look with eyes of love and a heart of understanding.  I vow to listen with a clear mind and ears of compassion, bringing peace and joy into the lives of others to lighten and alleviate the suffering of living beings.  I am aware that ignorance and wrong perceptions can turn this world into a fiery hell.  ...

The Real Truth: Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation

Photo Credit: White House.Gov Written By: Puck Arks The Real Truth: Affording Congress an Opportunity to Address Family Separation Do not be fooled by the EO, it’s a load of manipulation in attempt to appease the masses.  EXECUTIVE ORDER The actual text has been released. It varies from initial news reports. Here is the document. Please note the following 1. We need to see this as a victory. Trump had to back down because of sheer outrage. 2. Beware of the Details... a) The thousands of children already removed need to get back to families now. There is no plan or provision for that.  b) In a dramatic departure from prior administrations, Trump is not backing down from his zero tolerance initiative. This means that he will continue to press criminal charges against people crossing the border, pending determination about their case.  c) Trump seeks to overturn all restrictions on the length of time families...

ACTivism: Where Do We Begin? By Puck Arks

Written By: Puck Arks  ACTivism: Where Do We Begin? T he survival of Mother Earth and humanity’s consciousness is calling each of us, all of us whether we are aware or not to this awakening. The time has arrived where we must embrace our own individual power, find our own voice, and our own talents of being an active participant to bring about change in this world. There will be obstacles and it is not an easy life.  M ost activists are broke or strug gling because we refuse to comply to a system meant to oppress or enslave. In my very humble opinion anyone who accepts money to be an activist whether it be writing, speaking engagements, public events etc is already part of the system they are attempting to change. S o where does one begin? For me it’s not a difficult question. One must follow their heart, their passion, that which feeds the soul daily and yes that fire burning from the inside out to the point that silence is no longer an option nor...

The Weekly Receipt 6/18/18

The Weekly Receipt Abortion Stats Earthquakes Volcanoes US Debt Clock US Population Gold Demand Auto Sales Energy Output Gold Holdings (By Country) World Debt Clock's Top 10 Dow Jones Commodities World Markets Fear and Greed Index Bitcoin Distinguishing Between Factual and Opinion Statements in the News  Younger generations make up a majority of the electorate, but may not be a majority of voters this November  #DYOR (Do Your Own Research) Articles