Op-Ed: Wheel of Fuckery

Written By: ~X~ of TFD
Op-Ed: Wheel of Fuckery

In the land of #Fuckery, the families of #SandyHook banned together for yet another grand performance to sue another great performer #AlexJones for 

wait for it

wait for it


Talk about kettle meet pot.

 Photo Credit: Know Your Meme
 (I can not make this shhhh up)

Idiocracy at Starbucks

Then to your right of the stage we have two black men at a Starbucks in Philadelphia who ummm do not understand business 101 and confuse trespassing with racial profiling. 

Arguing with police for over 7 minutes or so (including an officer of their own race...derp) and soon was arrested and rightfully so for, you guessed it trespassing. Stevie Wonder could have seen that coming.

Soon to follow the freaks and half wits of Philly come out of the cracks to "protest" (by the way this is NOT protesting) and TRESPASSING in and around said Starbucks. chanting old slavery songs. 

"We shall over come" 

Well hopefully you will over come your lack of common sense but hey, that is none of my business right Kermit? Right. Holy... 

Side Note: Where were they during February? Asking for a friend? ;) and I am a minority sooooo.

Meanwhile in to the left of the freak show, feast your eyes on the new machine that you can purchase to kill yourself. 

Yes, you heard me correctly


You MUST of course take a test to check your SANITY. You know, we don;t need any crazies getting their hands on this puppy. Then after you pass it, you can buy this beauty that cost more than all of our rent's for at least a year to use,well once.

So pull up a chair....grab your popcorn
Snuggle up folks cause as the song say's

We Only Just Begun
 Holy balls people...holy balls


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