The Devil Wears Prada: Gina Haspel

Photo Credit: KKTV

 The Devil Wears Prada: Gina Haspel

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Politics in Washington D.C. are really getting interesting. Yesterday, March 13th, 2018, President Donald Trump fired Exxon Mobil mogul, Rex Tillerson from his post as Secretary of State. 

Most of the noise comes from how President Trump allegedly went about the seat shuffle from his extended off script blow horn Twitter.

Pundits, independent media outlets, and MSM seems to be split on not only how President Trump exited Tillerson, but more importantly the person he has dubbed to take over, Mike Pompeo, who was the Chief at the C.I.A. 

Rex Tillerson Farewell Speech

The major shocker to us here at The Factual Dragnet, is who will take over for the already shattered and corrupt mercenaries in the C.I.A. 

Her name... Gina Haspel.

 Photo Credit: Nation Of Change

Who is Gina Haspel? 

Gina Haspel was the Deputy Director of the CIA, born October 1, 1956 (age 61). She is a career government servant and has been involved in some very shocking activities during her tenure. 

The "highlights" of her talent was during one of the darkest times in modern history for the Central Intellegence Agency and the Country.

After the terror on 9/11, the United States went on a free pass torture spree on many individuals who they deemed may have answers to 9/11, was involved directly or indirectly, etc.

 Source: NPR

Haspel ran one of the hardest "Black Sites", Cat Eyes in Thailand, where they claimed in 2014 that they never even had an idea the CIA had a Black Site in their country. Mind you, this is not surprising or unheard of.

These actions are detailed in a extensive report from the Senate Intelligence Committee.  

Photo Source: The Gitmo Observer

A victim of Mrs Haspel, is Abu Zubaydah. 
He is a Saudi Arabian citizen that has been held at the horrible institution Guantanamo Bay Ultra-Max Detention Camp in Cuba after being captured in Pakistan as a "High Valued detainee" along with 10 others . 

Zubaydah, has one hell of a story. Subject to extreme torture such as being waterboarded 83 times, stress positions, sleep deprivation and more. He held at Camp 7 in September of 2006, which has been said to be the most isolated and intense.

Haspel, under the Administration of Barrak Obama, was the person who authorized and oversaw the torture program & was involved in everything from how, when, where the torture took place. Also, Gina was responsible of the order of destrying the tapes and records of thus said tortures

Fast forward to present day, lets take a look at what war hawk Senator John McCain has to say...

Source: The Hill
John Brennen, Former CIA Director, refuses to disclose exactly what Gina Haspel's role was in the whole program.  

Senator Rand Paul is admittedly opposed to even the idea of this woman being anywhere near our Intelligence.

Source: The Hill

Considering the reports that come from the torture program, it is absolutely sickening and disgusting that in anyway she is in a position of power. 

Just think what we do not know that was destroyed? 

If your doing nothing wrong and it was for "National Security" then why not state your case flat out?
I have a guess, cause she and those that empower her as full of shit, plain out. Even the "girl power" narrative can not hide her actions.


Haspel will go into the bottomless hat of Confirmation thru Congress, where I am sure she will be drilled to explain her actions and decisions. 

Welcome to the freak show boys and girls, welcome.



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