
Photo Credit: Health Freedoms

Written By: ~X~ of TFD
 Mother Nature is crying

Have you look up lately? With all the distractions and our so "busy" lives, we tend to look everywhere but there. Chem-trails, Com-trails pick your name, but the one thing that is not under dispute is the earths very odd weather patterns.
Have you ever gone outside in the morning & seen the nice blue sky, go back out around lunch and all of a sudden there is this "haze" that has suddenly swept over the whole horizon out of nowhere? 

Photo Credit: The Science Post

These are the deadly "lines" in the sky you see. We are not going to go into the whole history of the trails nor the debate. What we will do is provide you with some excellent #DYOR material for you to catch up or be informed. 

Research done By SwitchBlade of ANT

Weather Modification Vault 

Health Freedoms

For The Last Time: Chemtrails Are Not A “Conspiracy Theory”

Carrying on, the other day I passed by a report from Richie From Boston that peak my interest , a Youtube truther, were he was discussing the sky. RFB starts talking about a Harvard University Research Program called...

Editor's Note: You may not like the "source" for whatever reason, that is on you. We are interested in the facts presented. Follow the White Rabbit not the White Noise.

Harvard's Solar Geoengineering Research Program 

Let's take a look at some of the turmoil in the sky's from coast to coast.

Los Angels 







West Virginia






The Arctic 




Still think it is a "conspiracy"? Calling something that seems to be the narrative of dismissal

In other earth interesting news, we are due for an actual "pole shift", were the poles as we have know them are ever going more toward Siberia, Russia. I am not kidding. Many scientist and even the NOAA, National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration,  had to release a statement on the anomalies of their reading equipment. Mostly because the change is happening it seems to be faster than they can keep up with. Not to mention, there is a slew of independent novice and professional independent weather chasers who watch these changes in many ways aka covering there ____ in my opinion.

As you look through the research and information I would like to remind everyone what one of the end goals is for the "powers that shouldn't be" is"overpopulation" "population reduction"  The BIGGEST talking heads and NGO runners have said this for years. But, of course, you do not need to believe a word of any of this, #DYOR and see with your own ears. 


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