The DeadMan's Scrolls: "Just Like That" ~X~ Poem Series

Hello everyone!

I welcome all of you to me opening up more to you all on a bit of a personal level. I have been in the public view for over two decades. Many of you know me but I would like to let you in a little more. Music and writing has always been the two things in my life that has been my all , friends come and go, jobs change, habits change, etc, etc. But a constant has always been writing & music. So I am doing my due by both this year or really trying to. My first step forward is my writing. So enclosed is my copy-written poem about the first time I was shot. 

(Yes it has been more than once) 

It was crazy to say the least. No I was not robbing a bank or "gang-banging". No, I was leaving a store. Well, I will let you read it. I hope you enjoy. May not be the traditional why to write poetry, its my way of expressing poetry. All I ask is respect it. 
Thank you all. 

More to come throughout the year! 


 Just Like That

Written By: DeadMan~X~ of TFD

Indeed my life would make a great novel. filed with action, love, pain, lessons, triumphs, tragedy, peace, and more.

I remember like yesterday the day I received my first bullet.

I remember walking out the store and hearing the 2 people arguing.

Shit in my mind, I figured it was none of my business and kept it pushing.

As I walk to the car, I remember hearing a loud crack and the last thing is I remember looking down at my stomach, then to the bag of chips in my hand that I just bought...

to my 8 year old niece sitting in the back passenger seat.

 Photo Credit: Mother Mag
That face...

Terror it its purest form.
Every sound ceased.

My eyes locked with hers
I wake up in the ER.
I have no clue what happened.

Like a savage, injured & confused animal,
I freak start ripping the IV's out asking

"Where TF Am I!?!?!?!?!" 

Over and over

My energy fades
I wake up to the once terrified face, now looking upon me with with worry yet hope.

I open my eyes slightly, her expression goes from hope to victory.

Photo Credit: Dreams Time

I open my eyes more...
Her eyes fill with a mixture of tears and confidence.

See we all have hopes and dreams and it was an honor to fulfill hers.

Our scars in fact remind us the past was indeed real.

 Wear Your Scar Proudly
Photo Credit: Friday Night Alone


YOU made it.


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