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#LostSoulz: No Relief
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Written By: Hugo Omar Aghosta
#LostSoulz: No Relief
My heart goes out to all those in the U.S., Puerto Rico and the Caribbean region that lost everything this hurricane season.
Today and every day in Palestine, Yemen, Lebanon, Libya, Afghanistan,
Iraq, and Syria, it’s “hurricane” season. Most lost what they owned,
more than a million people lost family members.
For most, there is no
relief in sight, no relief agency powerful enough to end the perpetual
war that has come to their countries.
This haunts me.
It antagonizes my
soul. I see no solution to our domestic problems, (including disaster
relief,) except voting the war-mongering, corporate prostitutes out of
office. Perhaps someday before empathy is completely dead, a 1000, or a
100,000 or a million concerned folks will organize and say, “ENOUGH.”
Bombing and killing and destroying homes, schools, libraries, and
critical infrastructure IS the definition of terror. It neither
liberates, brings “democracy” or improves life for anyone but those in
the weapons business.
Whether it’s a family huddled in the rubble, or a
family here wading knee-deep in flood waters, I try to put myself in
their shoes.
Sympathy is great, send a card. Empathy on the other hand
demands action. Culpability starts with our Congress. I hope in the
coming months there is a groundswell of action to begin replacing those
in office.
Written By: ~X~ of TFD The "War on Women" is a phrase that has been slung around and misused inaccurately as much as the " W ar on Drugs". Both of these "wars" have been (in my opinion) been blow n out of proportion, misrepresented , misunderstood and abused to the fullest by pundits, journalist, wanna-be reporters and colum nist, depending on what side of the isle they are on. Let me explain.... This "war" has gone to far and if it is not put int o perspective , we can loose a lot more th an a few seats in the House. First, women HAVE been through a lot throughout history . We here HONOR women , you can make life. Your n urturing nature, wisdom, st re n gth, wisdom, companionship, leadership, etc is needed in order for life to be in ba lance. The very miracle of creating LIFE is a marvel in its self. Now ... This is not ALL of you ... We would like to take a bit to walk d own so turns of the rabbit hole and f orm a canvass ...
Dear Brothers & Sisters Written By: Puck Arks of TFD M y dear brothers and sisters—yes, we are all brothers and sisters, I have love in my heart for all people, while we may disagree, but even more so may we agree that some people cross the line, more often than not, or even rarely because in truth we all do it. M y friends, Collectively speaking, conflict is not necessarily bad or destructive. E ven when conflict causes a great deal of stress or fr frustration we must remember why we are here. S ometimes we disturb the peace by trying to defend ourselves or prove a point. I t helps to remember that someone else's perception has no real power over who we are, so there is no actual threat. W hen others hold strong opinions, you still can hold your own without disturbing the balance. W e need to seek common ground rather than notice our differences. See things from another perspective so that you can understand that person within...
Photo Credit: The Mountain View Mirror Written By: ~X~ of TFD The ~X~ Filez: The Bank for International Settlements- The Federal Reserve " It is well enough that nation do not understand our banking & monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. "- Henry Ford Last article , we touched on the history and the structure of the Bank for International Settlements. Now, we are going to get into the fuckery of the global financial robber bearer. To do this, we are going to have to explore several banks, treaties, and people all the way back to 1920 and even further. The main thing to understand is the tyrannical and evil banking system which does not just effect the United States but EVERY single territory on this planet is controlled ( knowingly or not ) by this cartel and their cronies ( Central Banks ). " The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger...
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