Tech Giants Controls and Knows You Very Well


 Written By: Hugo Omar Aghosta
 Photo Credit: Grist

Tech Giants Controls and Knows You Very Well

Monopolies are "bad", Oligarchical systems are worse... As the battle for the net (profits and content) continues, don't forget for a second that Facebook, Google, Twitter, the big newspapers, radio and TV outlets ALREADY control the content you can post and decide what you can read, see and hear. The outrage reported by the social media behemoths and content providers about net neutrality rings hollow. 

None-the-less, it is critical that no additional rules are allowed that extend the reach of both content providers or those who own the digital infrastructure. #NetNeutrality is a roadblock to further deregulation. It stymies the continued attempt by the billionaires to decide what's best for them. 
It is class war.

#PeopleBeforeProfits #InformationShouldBeFree #EndTheCorporatocracy #RollBackFCC

"Americans can rest assured that anything they read, watch, or listen to is controlled by giant corporations, and it is why the majority of Americans will never know the biggest corporations avoid paying income taxes and hide trillions of dollars offshore. 

It is also why Americans only hear what the corporate world’s legislative arm, the Republican Party, allows them to dispense and why the public is ignorant of how Republicans obstruct efforts to grow the economy, deliberately kill millions of jobs, abscond with Americans’ pensions, and hand all the nation’s assets to the rich and their corporations. They will also never know that Republican deregulation efforts only benefit their corporate masters including giving them complete control over all media, save independent internet sites committed to exposing the truth regardless the consequences.

There is a reason why Americans vote against their own self-interests, are perpetually ignorant of Republican deceit, and rail against what they perceive as government overreach into their private affairs. 

When Republicans deregulated the FCC and gave corporate control over all media they knew it would just be a matter of years before the only information the public heard was conservative propaganda to transform America into a corporate fascist state that Americans find themselves living under. 

It has been said that “knowledge and information is power if one knows it about the right person or group” and that “hoarding knowledge or information may be an act of tyranny” and besides tyranny, Republicans guaranteed that giving absolute control of the media to fascists and corporations robbed Americans of their liberty Jefferson said, “can only be guarded by freedom of the press.” Republican deregulation eliminated freedom of the press, and in the process effectively eliminated democracy and liberty the Koch brothers, Romney’s Bain Capital, and 5 corporations bought and paid for and unfortunately, Americans will never read, watch, or hear why they are controlled by fascists disguised as corporations."



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