Population Reduction, GMO's and Agenda 21


Photo Credit: My Kitchen Pantry

Population Reduction, GMO's and Agenda 21

Written By: Ashley Ann Justice

90% of the food we humans eat is modified

These plants grows from their seed, modified; and will not second generation reproduce should you try to farm them in your own garden. 

Most people across Earth do not even have access to real, organic, original flavor, and nutrient filled food; including America. People are eating Azodicarbonamide (this is the “Yoga Mat” dough conditioner). 

People are eating Monoglycerides and Diglycerides (these emulsifiers are by products of oil processing, including partially hydrogenated canola and soybean oils; which contain artificial trans fat, detrimental to our health; cancer causing

The consumption of artificial trans fat is strongly correlated with an increased risk of type two diabetes and heart disease as well.

People are eating High Fructose Corn Syrup (the worst of refined sugars sweetener) which increases appetite, and the risk of weight gain, type two diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and dementia! 

Food producing companies and farms use this man made sugar because it has a longer shelf life and “inhibits microbial spoilage". 70% of high fructose corn syrup samples have been shown to be contaminated with toxic mercury as well. 

I offer my knowledge to those who would listen

People are eating Sucralose (this artificial sweetener, rats developed leukemia eating this). Humans are eating Caramel Color (four different types made from ammonia and contain the byproduct 4-M.E.I., better known as cancer). 

Humans are eating on a mass scale, Artificial Flavors

Any time you see flavors on an ingredient list be aware, you do not know what you are eating per Environmental Working Group, every flavor has their own secret list of up to one hundred ingredients, including synthetic chemicals such as the solvent Propylene Glycol, preservative B.H.A., and G.M.O. derived ingredients, including human blood; flavors such as excitotoxins like MSG, and other chemical drugs, which cause your taste buds to experience irresistibly when it comes to food; pure addiction if you will. (these unknown chemicals, and human blood filled foods cause death

Acesulfame Potassium is another mass produced food humans are eating. (causes people to get cancer and brain tumors) Humans are eating Neotame, a chemical put in bread as sweetener. (neurotoxin and linked to leukemia). 

People are eating Datem (this acronym stands for “Diacetyl Tartaric Acid Esters of Monoglycerides”) This a dough conditioner which is usually derived from soybean or canola oil (G.M.O. crops). 

People are eating flavored rubber, filled with blood, bugs, and neurotoxins. Calcium Peroxide (this bleaching agent and dough conditioner is banned in foreign countries per the destruction it does to the human mind, body, heart, brain, and soul). Not to mention , chemicals like fluoride and coca cola (dormant your brain glands and connections with higher consciousness by the age of five years old)!

Population Reduction 2017 Agenda 21



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