Flashback Op-Ed: Century 16 Theater Aurora, Colorado 2012 Mass Shooting

Photo Credit: Radio Gunk

Written By: Ashley Ann Justice

Flashback Op-Ed: Century 16 Theater Aurora, Colorado 2012 Mass Shooting

I just wanted to make a quick post about the century 16 theater in Aurora, Colorado where the 2012 Mass shooting took place. To me, this was a very intriguing case. 

James Homes was the 24 year-old shooter who killed 12 people and injured 70 others in the Aurora Colorado movie theater rampage of July 20, 2012. 

Holmes was wearing protective gear including a gas mask and load bearing vest and armed to the teeth when he went into a theater showing a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises" and set off tear gas grenades, then shot up the audience with various firearms, including a rifle a tactical shotgun and a glock 20. 

Now we all know Holmes was apprehended later behind the theater and offered no resistance to arrest. His hair was allegedly died red and he called himself the joker, a look we would all see later in court in Centennial, Colorado. Allegedly, he acted alone and had booby trapped his entire apartment. Now as the whole world watched in horror as the events occurred over every news media outlet, soon after the "conspiracy theories" began. 

According to Wayne Madsen, writing for Blacklisted News, Holmes was a recipient of a national institute of health neurosciences training Grant at the University of Colorado's Anschutz medical campus in Denver. He graduated with a bachelor of science degree in neurosciences from the University of California rivers before the massacre Holmes lectured at the Anschutz campus about the biological basis of psychiatric and neurological disorders. 

The Anschutz campus buildings were evacuated after Holmes was in custody for the shootings. Anschutz is a decommissioned site of the US Army's Fitzsimons army medical center and named after Philip Anschutz, a Christian fundamentalist oil and railroad tycoon and owner of "The Examiner" and "Weekly Standard".

But wait, it gets even more interesting. 

At the age of 18 he was a research intern at the SALK Institute and LA Jolla, California. The Salk institute had previously been involved in research for DARPA, the defense advanced research projects agency, and a number of universities researching ways to prevent fatigue in combat troops using anti-oxidant flavinol found in dark chocolate. 

It gets even more interesting. 

The MARS candy company was also involved. This research program was a part of DARPA's "peak soldier performance program" to create brain machine interfaces for battlefield use, as Madsen's article states. 

Now let's go a bit deeper.

His father, Doctor Robert Holmes, was also deeply involved in work involving Neural networking and cortronic neural networks that allow a machine to literally interpret stimuli and think like a human. Doctor Robert Holmes apparently had even more links to research in neuro-biology and defense and government agencies. 

Are these links to the defense industry indicative of Holmes being under some kind of sinister influence? Is his own work with the brain and neural science a telling indicator that he was somehow triggered to shoot up a movie theater? Are these links suspicious and unusual or are they simply "6゚ of separation", and links that we might be able to find connected to anyone if we just so happened to look deep enough? 

One thing I usually make note of immediately with these false flags or these mass shooting incidents that we see, is the often bizarre behavior of the shooters and assassins including their own statements to the police, their actions in court, and their often blank stares and strange appearances. 

Because the use of hypnosis has been linked to CIA projects involving mind control time and again, people have wondered if these recent tragic events such as assassinations, school shootings, crime rampages and murder suicides are the results of such programming. 

We know that a person can successfully implant an idea or thought in the mind of someone under hypnotic trance or induction. We also know that people can successfully lose weight, stop smoking, end bad habits or not feel pain during medical procedures because of the suggestible nature of hypnosis and the altered state of mind under induction. 

But does this mean that every time something tragic and awful happens in the world it was the result of a person being programmed by sinister forces adept at mind control? 

Some events that spring to mind immediately are Columbine, the Aurora movie theater, the alleged suicide of whistle-blowers, assassinations of presidents and political figures, and recently....the Vegas shooting. 

Could the shooter's be under some mind programming design to create specific collective social reactions and behaviors? Cults and various government and military projects use mind control and trauma to split and dissociate people who can then be manipulated to do things that they would never normally do and act out the desires of the programmers including murder and mass slaughter. 9 times out of 10 when we see these events unfold these people aren't even aware of what they did, they have no recollection, no memory, sometimes they describe something similar to a fugue state or missing time. 

Now while we have absolutely no proof that these people were "influenced" or "programmed", we also have no proof that they weren't. We already know that these mass shootings along with other trauma events that have made headlines Could very well be evidence of mind control programming being activated to create false flags or trauma events that galvanize or mobilize certain segments of the population playing into the hands of government agendas and motives. 

These subjects then are nothing but unwitting Guinea pigs of an agenda that could include creating fear and divisiveness among the populace sending false conspiracies and disinclination viral over the Internet, YouTube and social networking, splitting people along party lines creating religious bigotry and driving gun sales higher or lower depending on your point of view. These shooters and assassins could be nothing more than tools by which we the people are being manipulated and behaviorally modified. They very well could be false flags, orchestrated diversions from another situation the governing bodies don't want attention to. Personally, I think they are. 

But, that's just me.

Or yes they could just be nut jobs with guns. The bummer is most of these shooters and assassins end up dead unavailable to be examined under the spotlight of truth. 

The ones who do live end up in prisons or mental institutions, stigmatized forever by their actions, to the point where even if they were patsies in someone else's sick game, no one would believe them except for fringed segments of society that are equally stigmatized as "nut jobs". 

Sad days.

Just thinking aloud...



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