Being a ACTivist By: Puck Arks

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Written By: Puck Arks

 Being a ACTivist

It’s not where you’re from...
It’s not where you’re at... 
It’s what you do. 

Over the coming months I will be releasing methods of being an activist so we can all get off the sofa and put words into actions. Activism can take many forms and can occur in various economic, political, social and work arenas. It can take the form of direct action, undertaking civil disobedience, protests, occupations, campaigning, boycotts and demonstrations through to more conventional activism such as lobbying, writing letters, internet activism, petitions and attending meetings.

1. The next time you’re out discuss a particular cause, instead of letting the conversation drift to celebrity gossip and drivel. 

2. Be mindful of the fact that the news channels synthesize events in ways which make the individual feel as if activism is hopeless.

3. Network through social media and at various events. 

4. Stay focused on one particular cause, it’s fine to take up many causes, but always recognize your main cause.

5. Withdrawal your money from banks. Switch to credit unions. 

6. Go to a protest, do not let the stigma propagated by the mass media keep you away from protests.

7. When your friends talk to you about new consumer products, change the topic to political causes instead.

8. If you’re going to a protest, try to bring as many of your friends as you can.

9. When friends say that protestors are ‘crazy’, explain part of changing the way the current system is a moral duty of all. 

10. Being an activist requires sacrifice, you will lose many friends along the way, but do not let that discourage you. 

11. Write an open letter to the CEO of a certain company that you dislike and publish the letter online.

12. Write an anonymous letter to anyone who abuses their power, boss, CEO, professor, manager etc.

13. When people use the word consumer to describe human beings, correct them and tell them that human beings are more than consumers.

14. Organize securely where you can discuss matters with others who share the same interest.

15. Always use loving speech to reach people, avoid antagonizing them or their social/corporate defense mechanisms will kick in.

16. Instead of going to watch a mind numbing Hollywood film, look up protests in your area and go to one.

17. Talking to people is the most effective way of short-circuiting the mass media’s control over people’s minds.

18. Learn from the experiences of others, reach out to the homeless. 

19. Volunteer, volunteer, volunteer! Volunteering teaches you that human actions do not have to always be about financial rewards.

20. Instead of going to a nightclub or a party to meet other people, go to a protest.


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