ACTivism Part VI By: Puck Arks

Written By: Puck Arks

ACTivism Part VI

As an activist you're not alone. All around the world, hundreds of thousands of people care deeply about the state of the world and earth and are doing everything they can to end abuse, inequality, oppression, starvation and endless wars through greed Our individual actions can be hugely powerful, but when we act together, we can achieve even more! Don’t wait for permission to take action on the issues that matter to you. Be proactive. 

1. You may have many friends who insist on remaining ignorant and belligerent in their support of consumerism. Don't give up on them. 

Instead of spending evenings like zombies in front of the television, read and educate yourself. 

3. Make a list of 10 injustices that come to mind when you think of the American Dream, explore how you can tackle these injustices.

4. Cut down on consumption, it is difficult to become socially conscious if the disease of consumption is thriving in your psyche.

5. Appreciate the environment, instead of spending your life stuffed in shopping malls, visit a local park.

6. Visit a landfill, the sight of so much stuff and garbage will give you a finer perspective on the disease of consumption.

7. An activist must always educate themselves, the available books are all censored by the rich’s publishing houses. Be a pyrate and find free information online. 

An activist must always remain selfless, you are not in this to make a name for yourself or become popular.

9. An activist must destroy their ego at some point, the ego is a construct designed to keep human beings confined in bubbles and divide one another. 

10. Call the headquarters of a major corporation and ask them if they care more about human beings or corporate profits.

Bring politics into the classroom, do not sit silently while the professor dictates the dominant agenda.

12. Take a walk in an affluent neighborhood and see for yourself the wastefulness of a couple living in a 15 bedroom home.

13. Instead of following the trend of amazement at the homes and lives of the rich, live modestly. 

14. Send mass emails for a cause, to everyone on your list, if they’re annoyed, it’s really their problem not yours.

15. Find a bookstore near you, and tell customers about books with a relevant message.

16. Ask employees how they feel about the fact that they’re paid close to minimum wage while the company makes billions.

17. The mass media ridicules activists and anyone who is trying to propagate a point of view outside of consumption, don’t be bothered.

18. Almost everyone around you has been conditioned to be negative towards social resistance, remain focused.

19. Spending your whole life fighting for a noble cause is much more honest than spending your whole life fighting for promotions.

20. Learn to approach people in public, to talk to them, to ask them questions, to examine their lives through your perspective.


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