ACTivism Part V By: Puck Arks

Written By: Puck Arks

ACTivism Part V By: Puck Arks

The future belongs to the activist. As the millennial generation and an emerging middle class of two billion people grows a stronger sense of purpose, activists need to DO more. Activists have much to teach in their battle to be change. 

Like many , we have a point of view, but successful activists excel by having a point of action. Today, people expect more, not just be more. "You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results."

1. Stop supporting capitalist spectacles, The Super Bowl, Reality TV etc . Talk about social resistance instead.

2. It’s easy to sit passively in front of the TV or computer, but you must remain socially active, your mind must remain conscious and alive.

3. There will be many people who will doubt you and question you, because you represent a threat to their convenient perceptions. Do not let this deter you. 

4. Take public transportation and talk to people about their lives, try to find out what it is they’re struggling with.

5. Cleanse your mind of commercial thoughts, sit down alone and see how many times you think of stuff and commercial experiences.

6. Become a street medic. 

7. Change your perspective of cultures from the culture of the you to the lives of everyone. 

8. If you hear or read about a strike or protest join the strikers/protestors/protectors on the front lines. 

9. There is no reason to feel lonely and isolated, when the world is full of causes to take up and ideas to explore.

10. Visit all the neighborhoods in your area to see the toll that capitalism takes on people’s lives.

11. Redefine your life by redefining that way you see your time, time is not money, time is human freedom.

12. Organize a group of individuals and have each person focus on a particular cause, then talk about what you’ve learned.

13. Negate your visits to the mall with a visit to the local recycling centre, see the wastefulness of it all.

14. Do not encourage children to indulge in capitalist fantasies, instead encourage them to examine society critically.

15. When your friends start talking about sports, talk to them about the mass starvation in our world as a result of capitalist accumulation.

16. Every morning, ask yourself the question of how you as an individual can contribute to the alleviation of human suffering.

17. Do not fall for the trap of careerism, shift your focus from your own success to the lives of those who have nothing at all.

18. Volunteer at an orphanage or a senior home.

19. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.

20. Make friends at protests and network.


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