TFD WatchList: Military Congressional Complex

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

TFD Watch List: Military Congressional Complex

These companies and entities have our "representatives" in Congress in their back pockets.

#TFD List








We are sure there are other honorable mentions but the list provided are the ones that are the wheel and oil of war that makes up the Military Industrial Complex here in America.

Every year like clock work, this corrupt piece of liberty robbing document is renewed by the US Committee on Armed Forced in both the House & Senate every year since the very first one in 1961. This years is mind blowing for sure. 

You can read it HERE in full for this year.

To find out more about P.A.N.D.A.A. please click on the link above! Also, you can learn straight from the horses mouth on our past Against The Grain Episode: Against The Grain- P.A.N.D.A. w/ Special Guests Jason Casella & Dan Johnson

Here are some of the "glorious" War Hawks Ranking in this Machine 

Stay Vigilant and knowledgeable. 

Always #DYOR #DoYourOwnResearch


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