Moment of Clarity: Khazarian Empire By: Guy Foote of #RWO

 Photo Credit: World of Buzz

Written By: Guy Foote of the #RWO

Moment of Clarity: Khazarian Empire By: Guy Foote of #RWO

Western governments are all hijacked by Zionism which hides its true objectives very well. The Ukraine is very important in the strategy to rebuild the old Khazarian Empire which included the land we now know as Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan.

Photo Credit: BBC UK

This explains the massive build up of anti-Russian hate propaganda we are experiencing in our media.

If you look up the new capital city of Khazakhstan, Astana you will see all the occult symbolism that has been employed in its construction. It is phenomenally masonic and focuses on the original Turkic religious obsession with sun worship.
It is my contention that global Zionism has created a distraction by focusing its attention on creating chaos in the middle east, appearing to support Israel when I think it is abundantly clear that they intend to eradicate Israel as soon as there are sufficient numbers of Jews there.

Photo Credit: NY Daily News

Editors Note: Above is a Pentagram that is on the Northern remote corner of Khazakhstan. #DYOR Go look for yourself.

If you look as the history of Khazaria you will see that it was, in the 8th century, a buffer zone between Christians and Muslims and to protect itself the people converted to Judaism.


However in the 10th century it was over-run by the Rus and the population scattered towards the west. These Turkic fake Jews made their way into Poland and Germany where they mixed with the existing Jewish population and established themselves. The banking families of Rothschild and Kuhn are descendants from these refugees.

In their effort to regain their homeland they have now infiltrated all western governments and corporations. They have created the military industrial complex which needs perpetual war to ensure that all western governments remain indebted to them.

Photo Credit: SLTD Wrestling


I have written many articles on this theory and predict that there will be a massive false flag attack on Israel which will be blamed on Iran so that the main enemies of the Khazarians are obliged to mutually extinguish themselves in global war.
Christians, Muslims and Russians are the enemies of the Khazarians and Astana is their NWO capital of the future where one culture, one government, one religion and one global currency will be installed.

Update 11/13/2017:

What you need to know about ASTANA, KAZAKHSTAN and the ILLUMINATI





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