The Inner Battle: Am I? By Hugo Omar Aghosta

 Photo Credit: Survivors Standing Strong
Written By: Hugo Omar Aghosta

Let me start with a basic truth and I preface it all by saying, I am a Buddhist-trained atheist with no belief in god or an afterlife. It is here, right now, that we can make a difference.

In one sense all Buddhists are courageous warriors. They do fight, but not with weapons and bombs. They do kill, but not innocent men, women and children. With whom and with what do they fight? Whom do they mercilessly kill? They fight with themselves, for man is the worst enemy of man. Mind is his worst foe and best friend. Ruthlessly they kill the passions of lust, hatred and ignorance that reside in this mind by morality, concentration and wisdom. 

Those who prefer to battle with passions alone in solitude are perfectly free to do so. Bhikkhus who live in seclusion are noteworthy examples. To those contended ones, solitude is happiness. Those who seek delight in battling with life's problems living in the world and thus make a happy world, where men can live as ideal citizens in perfect peace and harmony, can adopt that responsibility and that arduous course. 

Man is not meant for Buddhism. But Buddhism is meant for man.”

This is not a call for all to heed the teachings of the Buddha or to adapt the practice of mindfulness or embark on a path of possible enlightenment. This is a call for all those who claim enlightenment to think about their words, their actions and the consequences. 


It is disappointing but expected to see brother turn on brother. Friend on “friend.” Eons of training have produced survivors, but dare I say, this enmity and vitriol is best used on the physical battlefield and has no place in a revolution that is focused on winning the hearts and minds of those who have yet to see the light. 

Damned embarrassing for me, but given the human condition and the perpetual, mind-numbing culture of conflict on mainstream and social media, I guess it is to be expected. 

I would ask each of you, (and I will do it too) to look in the mirror and ask, 

“Am I Acting In Love?”

“Am I the Light I Want Others to See?”

“Are my actions and words, destructive or constructive?”

“Am I helping to make the world a better place?”

“Did I help bring dignity or freedom today to anyone?”

“Was I kind?”

“Did I leave my ego behind?”

One Heart, One People, One Race, Human...


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