Ponder This: ~R~

Written By: ~R~ of A.N.T.

Republished By:~X~ of TFD

I moved out as far as I could to get away from the noise of metropolis. I feel like the farther away from others I am sometimes, the closer I am to myself. On levels, that is an illusion. The truth is... sometimes.. things are too loud for me to hear and the only way I can find where I stop and the world begins is for me to create distance. 

It's comforting. It connects me. On levels, that is also an illusion.

The reality is that the noise is inherent chaos of the density of that connection and it obsfucates what is truth in times of stillness, or unrest. It's that we are all connected to each other at all times. That is truth. The illusion is the division of consciousness, and the effectiveness and willingness of where we impress our own view of reality on the world rather than see it for what it is. As a separate thing. To do unto yourself is to do unto others.

This creates at times...crushing pressure on ourselves to live to a standard that is impossible and a want to shut off reality. 

To feel separate so we can feel whole. 

Sometimes illusion is the only thing that gets us by day to day. That's ok. It's necessary. Wither the distance we create is a gap of time, an emotional distancing, or physically placing yourself in a space where the immediate responsibility of your unity is a familiar chirp of a bird in a tree. These things are all ok. 

Just know at the end of it. 

You are connected.

Loving yourself means loving others. You don't have to be around something to care for it or for it to care for you. No amount of illusion changes that. Time, distance, place. You are all loved. 

Your choice is the level in which you embrace it.  

#greenbeantears #hologramreality #unity #BakingABigAizzSpiralHamATM


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