Introduction to Mind Control & Methods By: Ashley Ann Justice

Mind Control The Intro

Written By: Ashley Ann Justice
Republished By: ~X~ of TFD

When you think about mind control, do you ever wonder how far back it goes? Where its origins lie? I think once you really sit and ponder on it the answer is obvious. Since the dawn of humanity, the desire to control the thoughts, behaviors and actions of others has been prevalent and pervasive. So many of us are unaware that mind control techniques have been around since even the beginning of civilization itself. 

For as long as we were aware that we had separate minds and thought processes, we also became distinctly aware of our desire to control the minds and thought processes of others. For whatever motive or gain. Sometimes it may only come from a desire to understand if other people think as we think, or maybe to just know what the enemy is planning. When you think of the term mind control, a sinister feeling comes over you. Many of us find our thoughts springing to MkUltra. Or maybe one of over 149 sub projects that fell underneath the umbrella of MkUltra. Or perhaps we envision tactics used by religious organizations. Even cults. Now, of course these topics are prime examples of classic mind control. Please keep in mind that although you will see and hear mention of some very notable and famous names for mind control and references, that they are only a few of many. 

There are a large number of names for mind control that describe the ever insistent common agenda of taking over a person's innermost thoughts and controlling his/her behaviors and actions. Here are a few you may have already been exposed to in some form or another:

- Brainwashing
- Coersion
- Thought reform
- Mental manipulation
- Psychological warfare
- Programming
- Conversion
- Gas lighting
- Indoctrination methods
- Psychic driving
- Crowd control

Okay, let step back for just a second so I can illustrate my point. It is so much more common and overlooked than any of us care to make note of. What you don't realize is that we are, all of us, everyday, both victims and perpetrators. Even if It's on a minor scale. Maybe you just didn't agree with that color shirt your husband put on, so you innocently suggested that the green one really brings out the color of his eyes. Or maybe when you were younger you didn't like how your best friend was looking at your crush, so you fed them a false truth or piece of bad gossip, hoping to steer them away without having to potentially face an inevitable conflict. 

I think we forget how easy it is to use suggestion or coercion, or a number of other tactics, to influence a certain action or reaction in someone else. A more favorable one. Now, do I think all these acquired skills were born out of malice or ill will? Does it make us bad people? Well the answer is subjective at worst and simple at best; but my answer is no. 

These are skills we learn over time, either through nature or nurture, in order to survive and advance along our individual paths. It's most dangerous and corrupt when wielded against everyday people by entities unknown to them, entities that are beyond their daily reach. Even beyond their peripheral knowledge. Entities that that have no express desire to facilitate any positive or benign outcome when pertaining to your well being. When it is completely self serving, callous and tyrannical. 

*Governments, corporations, presidents, political parties or politicians; even your favorite t.v. channel, newspaper or radio station. 

Efforts are being made to control YOUR mind everyday. And it's happening all around you. We are constantly being bombarded with suggestion and subliminal programming. Most people aren't even aware of the efforts being taken, or the money being spent for that matter, to ardently and meticulously craft the perfect little worker bees for the hive. Consumerism is one of my most loathed patterns being bred into the minds and lives of everyone walking this earth. Corporations spend billions, literally billions, of dollars every year on advertising. A fine example is during sports broadcasts. Ever pay attention to the patterns you see being displayed during the commercials when you're watching that football game you caught on Sunday? Especially here in America, we see constant advertising of sex, food and alcohol. All of which I think are obvious attempts at propagating a need for indulgence, distraction and immediate placating of the American people. Keep 'em fat and happy and entertained. Distracted and aloof. 

There is a method to this madness. A design. 

*I remember so many times just asking myself what the fuck is wrong with the world? How can people be so ignorant of what's going on around them? Of So many dark and malicious deeds taking place all around the world? How can people be so blind and indifferent to the suffering and struggle of so many?

*Because it was designed this way.

When we are kept constantly flip flopping between fear, gratification and separation, we are easier to control. Out of sight out of mind. Division is a powerful tactic used to control the masses. And one of the most effective. The constant fear mongering and anxiety keeps us manageable. We see so many false flags nowadays. So much trauma conditioning. These psy-ops serve a multitude of purposes. But the simplest one being to keep YOU and I disconnected. To keep us from banding together and forming a new collective consciousness. From truly connecting at all. To keep us afraid of each other. Afraid of that reclusive neighbor down the street, or that suspiciously quiet guy at the back of the grocery store check out line. People go about day to day living their busy little lives and never having the time or desire to just truly connect with each other. We punch into our nine to five jobs and wonder if we are putting aside enough money for our retirement or our pensions. If we're going to have the time to stop and grab dinner before having to pick our kids up from soccer practice. While we are busy chasing our tails in the endless pursuit of financial freedom and sustainability, shadowy and unknown figures are profiting immensely from both our victories and shortcomings. 

If you have done your research into these powers that be then I really don't need to elaborate on who or what these figures are or how their existence is profoundly relevant to OUR collective experiences and survival in this life. It wasn't that long ago that we knew our neighbors...Had meaningless and trivial conversations with our mailman. Since we were accustomed to the simple and pleasant joy of the everyday connections we made with the people around us in our communities. Ask your parents or their parents if they remember those simpler times. I'll bet they have some stories to share while they reminisce about days long gone. The world has changed so much and continues to change at such an alarming rate that sometimes we forget how easy it is to become lost and completely self absorbed in our own personal realities. We are being controlled and manipulated at a very perpetual and alarming rate. And mind control is only one of many forms of covert harassment aimed at controlling individual and collective behavior. 

The ugliest and most well hidden face of mind control is the type of subject matter we come face to face with when examining the highly classified use of torturous and incredibly invasive methods used against innocent victims and countless human guinea pigs. All to advance along the endless quest to create SUBMISSION and OBEDIENCE. The desire for one to superimpose their will on others or to alter the will of others is not by any means a new phenomena. But what we see more and more as time moves ever forward, is just just simple and individually projected attempts at mind control; but MASS MIND CONTROL. We can clearly see throughout history, not just ours as a nation, but throughout the whole of our world history, that powers and principalities have always spied AND manipulated AND otherwise sought to discern what we think and what we intend to do in order to harness the power of our minds. Now, if you happen to be one of those select few that think mind control is long since buried in our past, or some socially taboo and overused subject of Sci-Fi thrillers or big screen blockbusters, then I hope you will take the time to research for yourself. Seek your own truth. 

After all, if you do not seek to be the master of your own mind then surely someone else will.

"The most dangerous of all sciences is that of molding mass opinion, because it would enable anyone to govern the whole world." - Talbot Mundy 

I would now like to include a short introductory list of recommended reading on the subject of mind control. I will also include a short list of websites that may prove useful to you as you continue down the rabbit hole. I hope you find this list helpful and begin on your own personal quest of mind mastery and awareness. I'll keep it short because I really could go on for days but would rather just simply throw the ball to you.

  • "Mind Control: Psychological Reality of Mindless Rhetoric" by Dr. Philip G. Zimbardo, November 2002 APA"S president's column
  • "Brain Washing tactics force Chinese into ranks of communist party" this article was written by reporter Edward Hunter for Miami News in October of 1950
  • U.S. Army documents included in "Communist Interrogation, Indoctrination, and Exploitation of prisoners of war"
  • MKZine spring/summer 2003 issue, Dr. Allen Barker writes about "The motives for mind control"
  • "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A report on the benailty of evil" written by a poltical theorist for The New Yorker. Her name is Hannah Arendt. (covering the 1961 war crime trials of Adolf Eichmann. Please take the time to look into this.)
  • "Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice and Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions" written by Catherine Bell
  • "Senate MKultra hearing: appendix C-documents referring to subprojects" page 161, SENATE SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE, A COMMIITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCES, Auguat 3, 1997
  • "Operation paperclip: the secret intelligence program that brought Nazi scientists to America' by journalist Annie Jacobsen
  • "In the sleep room: the story of CIA brainwashing experiments in Canada" by Anne Collins 1989
  • "Stunning tale of brainwashing, the CIA AND and an unsuspecting Scots researcher" 2007 edition of The Scotsman
  • "A nation betrayed: the chilling true story of secret cold war experiments performed on our children and other innocent people" by Carol Rutz
  • "Unethical research on humans in the 20th century" by Sarah N. Archibald, PhD.
  • "Harvard and the making of the Unabomber" article in the June 2000 issue of The Atlantic, by Alton Chase
  • "Spiritism and "Hypnotism" by Dr. G.H. Estabrook
  • "Project Monarch: fact or fiction?" by Ron Patton
  • "Trance formation of America" by Mark Philips and Cathy O'Brien
  • "The illuminati formula used to create an undetectable total mind controlled slave" by Fritz Springmeyer and Cisco Wheeler
  • "Hypnosis in MPD: ritual abuse" lecture given by psychologist Dr. Corydon Hammond at the 4th annual eastern regional conference on abuse and multiple personality, June 25, 1992
  • "BLUEBIRD: deliberate creation of multiple personality by psychiatrists" by Dr. Colin A. Ross
  • "Unshackled: a survivors story of mind control" by Kathleen Sullivan
  • "In sheeps clothing: under standing and dealing with manipulative people" by psychologist and author George K. Simon
  • "Torture based mind control as a global phenomenon" a series of extreme abuse surveys (EAS) presented by W. Karriker at the 13th international conference on violence, abuse and trauma in 2008
  • "Hell minus one" by Anne Johnson-David
  • "How cues and programming work in mind control and propaganda" presentation given by Neil Brick in 2003, editor of the newsletter S.M.A.R.T (stop mind control and ritual abuse today)
  • "Secret, don't tell: the encyclopedia of hypnotism" by Carla Emery
  • CIA memo (defense against Soviet medical interrogation and espionage techniques)
  • "7 future methods of mind control" article for Activist Post, Nicholas West
  • The suicide tape transcript of the final speech given by cult leader of the peoples Temple, James Warren Jones, November 18, 1978
  • "Every secret thing" by Patty Hearst 1983
  • Story for the UK Daily Mail Online in September 2014, Laura Collins interviews Karen de la Carriere
  • "Victims of groupthink" by psychologist Irving Janis 1972
  • "Hidden agenda" by Paul B.
  • "Media mind control: a brief introduction" and the 14 hour video series called "How to decode media manipulation" by Lenonn Honor
  • The March issue of Proceedings of the national academy of sciences (detailing the social experiment experiments performed by Facebook on over 700,000 unwitting users)
  • "Propaganda" Edward Bernays 1928
  • "Mass mind control through network television" Alex Ansary
  • "Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors" United States patent 6,506,148, January 2003
  • "Mind control in America" by Steven Jacobson
  • "Between two ages: America's role in the technotronic era" by former national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski
I'll just leave it off here. Brief introduction to mind control and methods...



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