Do you get what just happened?

Written By: ~X~ Of TFD

"...this is truly a 'historic' & 'strategic' move today with the USA & Saudi Arabia..."-Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir. Adel bin Ahmed Al-Jubeir 5/20/2017.

Joint Press Conference with USA Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

The 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump is currently embarking on a "historical" trip to some very key religious countries & territories in the Middle East in the next nine days or so. 

But, are you all fully understanding what just transpired in Saudi Arabia? 

Lets Make A Deal
President Trump just signed a huge 110 billion dollar arms deal with Saudi Arabia, along with Lockheed Martin with Jared Kushner's assistance of course. Nothing like slinging your weight around and having the luxury of calling up CEO Marilyn Hewson to "chat" about numbers. 

Oh, lets not forget $50 billion from Exxon Mobil thanks to good 'ol Sec. Tillerson. We will get more on the Sec. later in the article.

Mainly, speaking on the defenses, the highly sought THAAD missile defense system. The Trump Administration put the defense system into full operational mode in South Korea in response of the often reckless rhetoric and propaganda coming from the North Korean President Kim Jun Un in recent months.  The Western Media seemed to not want to cover that the citizens of South Korea was, lets say less than happy, that the defense system was going to be in their country.

Red Carpet for the Commander & Chief 

 Screenshot Live By TFD on YouTube live coverage

Unlike the Obama visit in 2015, President Trump and First Lady Melania was met with a red carpet welcome into the Muslim territory. Banners, posters and several images are posted all throughout the country. Following the Presidential motorcade was a small group of horse back riders holding the American Flag and the Saudi flag as the vehicle strolled down the avenue. 

Photo Courtesy of CNN

Upon meeting the Saudi Arabian King, President Trump received a "Gold Medal" according to the headline of the failing New York Times. The medal is called the Order of Abdulaziz al-Saud medal, the highest civilian honor in the kingdom. Don't get to excited President Trump, because former President Obama, France's Hollande, Egyptian President Abdelfattah el-Sisi, and China's XI have received this as well. In all fairness you get +1000 points for not "bowing" to the King. Good Job.

Homecoming For Sec. Tillerson

The Saudi's LOVE Sec. Tillerson because he is one of the 3 major things Elites worship, G.O.D. (Gold, Oil, and Drugs). You put lipstick on a pig, it is still a pig. Period. Lets not forgot this is Exxon Mobiles former top dog. That is a piece of fact that often gets ignored because he is in a different post. Sec. Tillerson is a oil GIANT along with other heavy industries Saudi Arabia needs to further their Saudi Vision 2030. Just because he holds a "cabinet" position, does not change the spots on the leopard . 

The entire narrative of the younger Saudi's who are filling up key spots in their ranks is a complete farce. They can not "get away" from oil. Add to it with more modern and global look, sure, complete overhaul....not in our life times. Saudi Arabia's power lies within the purse. Saudi Arabia has ALWAYS "bought" their "defenses".

Sec. Tillerson has more than enough leverage with his constant dealing for oil in the Middle East to make anything happen, especially under the banner of "American interest & Security". Those slogans I tell ya.Never forget with "Safety & Security" goes "Rights & Privacy".

 WAIT!!! WAIT!!! WAIT!!!!


Did I miss something??....

Didn't these guys.....

From here....

Do this????....

 According to this underfunded and poorly incomplete "official report" 

and now President Trump gave them more....


Welcome To the **Age Of Hypocrisy**
Where common sense is thrown at will to the wind. The era were the very fabric of history is being re written right in front of our eyes to a civilization who knows more about Angelina Jolie than their own community.  The age were its a damn free for all and if you don't agree you are some sort of "ism". The era were facts are no longer a thing. The great era that will be felt for generations to come. Where the aggressor is rewarded as families STILL suffer, as the Elites force feed us whatever truth they want counting on us to not put 2 and 2 together. Then when you do you are deemed evil and :not with the times" of you don't agree. Where "Free speech is now a grave sin, punishable by measure that even Cesar would blush at. This is the era that if we don't get our shit together people we are done. Simple as that. We cannot allow common sense and historical facts to be ignored. Do your own homework. Read everything but believe nothing till you have irrefutable documented solid evidence to back it. 



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