A Word From Mister ~O~

A Word From Mister ~O~ 
 Chief Administrator of ANT

I have come to consider that the use of the internet is as much of a peril as it is a savior for knowledge. I fear however, that literacy is threatened now because of its spawn. As schools discontinue the arts of calligraphy and cursive, it is ever increasing an issue where young adults who have recently graduated were unable to read their own name written by a store employee. This is sad. That is illiteracy. 

What would occur if we are wiped out by calamity and all that was left was the generation that is still in school? The written language will have died that day. This situation has another diabolical twist to it in that the writings of the founding fathers would not be presentable to the youth unless given the chance to be converted into certain font. I hate that. It is in that very moment that deception can occur.

We should be teaching Latin, Ancient Greek and other languages at a younger age not only to expand to the 5 Romance languages rather, in order to generate the ability to quench an insatiable thirst. If you are looking for something to do, teach how to write. If you know calligraphy, instill that into your students as well. 

This has been a great travesty.


Mister O.


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