The Time When Impersonation Is NOT A Form of "Flattery": Black & Blue Documentary

Photo Source: I Am Dylan Avery Official WebPage & Facebook Page


In no way is this to create "drama" on conflict. This is not an attempt to "attack" or discredit. Just a simple observation of something that has been observed by the creator, originator if you will, the fans, staff and those involved in this monumental project.  

This article is the factual information bought to you by the creator & Editor-N-Chief of the publication The Factual Dragnet. We was never ASKED by anyone from this organization to speak on its behalf, just bring the facts of things that have arisen as of late. As EVERY publication we do not think for you or try to sway an opinion or prime the pump for a narrative. Not what we do this for at all. BUT, when we "see something" we "say something".

"Black & Blue" has been a documentary that Dylan Avery has been in the works on since the groundbreaking documentary "Loose Change"and "Buzz Kill".

It has been bought to the attention of many that VICE News has seemed to "copy" the very same title "Black & Blue"running kind of on the same narrative.

Here is the Original Work of "Black & Blue" by Dylan Avery (Extended):

Now here is the video link that VICE News decided to spawn On HBO: (we shall reveal why this is crucial info after the trailer for VICE)

FB (which is STILL active)

Very similar hey? Well here is something else....Just a question....

Why did this title come after reaching out to Mr. Avery almost a year after Dylan created it?
These are just questions, we as fans and students of these works have. This idea of "Black & Blue" was created looong before VICE News put it out for profit on HBO.

#DYOR. Form your OWN conclusions. But o us the evidence speaks for itself. Why would you reach out to someone on the same subject and then take the title of their work? Now legally there may be no repercussions. This may go right under the rug.

According to sources, VICE News was contacted by the camp of Dylan Avery and the post was removed, etc. but no further comment to be had as of the time of this report.

In the age of "fake news" it is only factual and right to inform our readers that VICE news has been dubbed as "satire" and "fake news" through true patriot Ron Paul. Keep that in mind as we just simple ask, "Was this a accident?" "A Mistake?" No one is trying to cause trouble but the most important aspect of an "artist" is their work. We are just asking for clarification from a "respected" and "reliable" news source.  

What do YOU, the reader, knowledge seeker think? Leave a comment or leave one wherever you got this link from and tell us what YOU think? What do you think about origination of art ideas?
Let us know....

Editors Note: This was also talked about on a Live interview on Against The Grain Radio Show over a year ago.
Link to show here.


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