Moment of Clarity- Black America From Mi Eyez

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Greetings all: a long time since I have had a heart to heart with you all. If your new to the RWO I use to in the very beginning (usually on Sundays) as my kinda "Moment of Clarity" post. Well now we have ATG and BTV and many other platforms where that is delivered. But me being me its something about the just cant escape :)

So here we go.

Ladies and gents. I am a minority. I am Haitian and Latin and I have adopted Irish/Polish parents and family. My nieces and nephews range from creeds and backgrounds that can wrap the globe at least twice. My daughter is Irish/Italian/Latin/Haitian...her mom Italian/Irish.

My Best friends are straight from Ireland, India, good old USA!!!, China and South Africa and they too are proud American hardworking citizens.

My fellow black folks....there is a problem with us. Yes I know...hard to swallow but it is true.
I am cautious of everyone by nature and experience. but here is a honest truth. I am more worried and cautious around my own people than I am when I go to a white neighborhood. 

Yes its true...

I have not, in my entire life, had a white person come up to me with a gun and ask me what my "set" is.
I have not had a white guy run up on me because he thought i was in a rival gang.
Im just stating facts.
When I watch the news and investigate by many means I see a lot of black victims...and then they are looking for the suspect.
Low and behold when they are captured....they just so happen to be black.
The biggest problem in the black community is ourselves.

Black on black crime.

I have been to over 46 funerals in my life. more of them than not before i was the age of 17.
NOT ONE of my peeps that I buried was murdered by a white man.

Thats a fact.

The ones that took the people I loved and help me become me was killed by my own.
A lot of "thugs" and "gangsters" yea.... Im talking to you
to all the "rappers" and "gangster producers" yea you too

The white man sells evil to us and we sell it to our own (hence the dope game) 

Where is the sense in that?

We learned not one damn thing from Tupac & Biggie. Which if they are actually dead they are for sure rolling in their graves at the fools that have made the industry they fought for ......and the legacy they made to educate fall to the floor.

(and no I love the game but Im not in love with all of it...nothing is watch your stones)
Im just tak it how you will.

In my opinion we ALL yes ALL race color and creed need to check ourselves first then as a collective cause if you really ponder it infighting has always been the downfall.....
(Source: WWII)

Check The Video Link Here POWER video of FACTS to support this opinion further.


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