Day 1: President Donald J Trump- TPP, ObamaCare & The UN...You're FIRED!!!

Photo From: Dr
Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Yes, you are reading that headline correctly.

The 45th President of the United States of America, Donald J Trump is making good on many things he said during the campaign, even with a few surprises. The biggest shock, is the speed and accuracy of him getting things done. The guy is doing what he was voted for.

For once, so far, we have a President who is not only keeping his word but frankly, kicking the Elites were the sun doesn't shine.

Lets get you up to speed...

President Trump has signed:

Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Pending Repeal









  The Patient Freedom Act 2017 (PDF)

Press Conference with GOP Senators Susan Collins and Bill Cassidy


CNN Coverage of President Trumps Actions on his 1st Day


Presidential Memorandum 

Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies








President Trump does not stop there. Although this is in the "infant" stages, this is one hell of a start. Below is a screenshot of the current business of congress today on President Trumps 1st Day. We believe its safe to far

Congress Session 1/22/2017

H.R. 193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017

Long story short, this is a blow to the global Elite. #DYOR (Do Your Own Research) into the UN. 

Special Note: This is in the VERY VERY early stages in becoming something.

Senator John McCain, just as an example, keeps stating the phrase "World Order". Our guess is this is the propaganda machine at its finest. Feeling the People wont notice they dropped the "new" so its "different", in reality, nothing is new under the sun. 

Editors Note: So the phrase of "...a 'world order' that has been established for the past 70 years. He has referenced this SEVERAL times in Committee Hearings & News shows.

Senator John McCain on "...World Order.." 

We started investigating back to that time to see what he means or is talking about leaves two things to ponder. One, the end of WWII happened which lead to the end of Nazi Germany, but open the door to the already declassified Operation Paper Clip

Could this be the start of the "New World Order"? 


70 years ago was the creation of the United Nations Charter, which birthed the United Nations? 

Finally the stake in the heart & death of the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership).

President Trump Kills TPP 

Even as this is being written, President Trump according to sources throughout the Media, Independent & MSM, in the coming days NAFTA & GATT will be re-negotiated as President Trump is going to be meeting with the President of Mexico, Enrique Pena Nieto &  the Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Truedeau.

So far on Day 1, President Trump has got more done than the last President did in eight years and thats was before noon.

White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, came out to deliver his first official White House briefing. This guy is not playing around ladies and gents. Spicer took questions and seemed to answer the same question being asked in different ways. (Journalism at its finest)

Editor note: During the Q&A Spicer had with the Press, a question I personally was shocked a reporter asked. The reporter basically asked about President Trumps Admin response to the RCEP (The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership). We covered this in a past TFD article. Click Here

The White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer holds 1st press briefing under Trump Administration 

Indeed, this is going to be a interesting four years. No matter what, never get to comfortable. Do not let your guard down! Still search for the FACTS! Pay attention, don't get distracted. This is just the far so good but long from resolved. Remember, there is a puppet & there are puppeteers.

Editors Note: Please do not get it confused, ~X~ stance is still the same. I personally am not "sold". We are not going to jump to conclusions or assume, since that's makes an ass out of you and I. Yet, no one here is naive or dumb. We watch, we judge....nothing is new under the sun.





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