Confirmation Hearing Of Jeff Sessions For Attorney General

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Confirmation Hearing Of Jeff Sessions For Attorney General 

In recent activities, to nullify the cabinet position ahead of Donald J. Trump, President Elect, being sworn into service of the Office of president of the United States of America.

Throughout Sen. Sessions career as a young prosecutor, his record has become the topic of much scrutiny through the political realms on both sides of the isle. This is en largely due to his questionable and highly publicized record on Civil Rights as AG in the State of Alabama.

Fast forwarding into the actual proceedings, there are a few Senators on the Judiciary Committee that raised some eyebrows. We feel these need to be noted & remembered as these nominees take office, if so to be elected. 

Photo Credit:
The New Yorker

First up to bat, Dianne Fienstien (D) (Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee). Her main drive to the Nominee was the question of the Domestic Trafficking Fund covered in S.178 - Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act of 2015, in capacity through the Office for Victims of Crimes.

Long story short, this Bill that is now law, provides any and all necessary tools and resources to help those who have been caught up in the terrible & disgusting world of Human Trafficking including pregnancies that was the result of the abuse. It provides them help and resources to protect and prevent this ill scar on our world society. Fienstein (para-phrasing), "...will you support the Bill for funding to help victims of pregnancy due to rape & human trafficking?"

Photo Credit:Washington Times

Sessions: "I will follow the Law."

The Democratic Ranking Member dug into the 60 Minutes Interview where President Elect Trump was asked about the Supreme Court ruling on Same Sex Marriages. The President Elect, despite prior comments & his religious stance, simply replied (para phrase), "The Supreme Court ruled on it, its Law and that is it". He was asked in part will he follow that ruling?

Sessions: "I will follow the ruling of the Supreme Court."

Editors Note: The one thing I personally noticed in all of these hearings is the the Liberal Democrats & even some Republicans seem to be a lot more interested in President Elect Trumps positions and holding these nominees responsible for HIS statements. Now I get it, yes these people will be taking orders and being influenced by President Elect Trump to some degree, BUT as a American I am more interested in what the NOMINEE is going to do personally. It is just easier that way in my opinion to hold them more individually accountable.

Senator Fienstein then asked him about his prior stance on the Supreme Court ruling of Roy vs Wade. Sen. Sessions held firm his position as he has expressed that he felt it was and still is a horrible ruling, which falls in line with statements made by his future boss if approved. 

Editor Note: During several hearings of confirmation for these nominees, there was several disturbances & cry baby tactics taken from suspected butt- hurt Social Justice Warriors who use the Constitutions First Amendment right as a mockery to spread there bs and run to the bank with blood money from the King provocateur George Sorros & The Clinton Cartel 

The line of questioning, to us, was clear the nominee was being asked questions a bit out of his realm of power which 
Sen Session reminded the Committee, "AG job is to enforce the Law, not set policy..."

This was further invoked by the questions on immigration

Editors Note: This is another one of those "flag" moments. This seems to be the "top" priority of our congress especially the Democratic side as of late. What does this mean? We are not sure, but this is the single most discussed topic beside Russia and the Election. 

Special Note: Just another hmmm moment out of this, was the statement made by Sen Session to Patrick Leahy (D) of Vermont. The statement went along the lines of, "You will be running all the money now in your new position..." (para phrased). Mr. Durbin seemed to be at a loss for words and quickly dismissed Sen Sessions comments, continuing his line of questioning. Odd.

Photo Credit: Washington Times

Sen Dick Durbin (D) Ill asked the nominee about the crooked Justice System in America. Specifically the sentencing & punishment between Crack Cocaine & powder Cocaine. Obviously, with just a small amount of research you can see the devastating effect the very loose and umbrella'ed RICO Laws, especially the more broad The Strikes Law. laws that particularly and arguably target minority communities especially the Urban Black Community (African American Males). This was highlighted in a LA times article back on March 5th, 1996. Keep in mind, Sen Session criticized the Obama Admin. for the "Abuse of Pardoning" people lately.

To be noted: Sen Durbin did challenge Sen Sessions on him walking away from a deal to turn the odds of the sentencing of these crimes to go from 100:1 to 18:1 at best. Sen Sessions did not seem to have a direct rebuttal for those statements from what we observed.

Senator Durbin then ask Sen sessions to explain the President elects position on immigration, specifically the Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA) (Yes people, yet another Alphabet soup bowl). It also should be noted this is coming out of the University of California at Berkley in the source.

Here Is A Little Background On This Entity Before We Go Further Into This

The Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals to me in lame mans terms is just another government honey pot to fund immigrants through the exploitation of children to get that tear jerker, easy will and obedience from non informed people to push their agenda. Pretty much how we do here in America with advertisement & propaganda, my apologies I digressed.

Photo Credit: The Odyssey Online

This program or "law" protects over 800,000 immigrants within the boarders of the USA according to Sen Durbin, " What are you going to do to cover all of those people covered under this Law?" 

Here is what "they" (Immigration Equality) say about DACA:

Senator Mike Lee (R) Utah goes into his line of questions to the nominee about the "role" of the Attorney General (AG). The fact that if he may not "agree" with soon to be sworn in President Elect Trump, but that the President reserves the right to remove the AG at anytime. Basically, in our view was a test and set up question to see if Sen Sessions will take orders to save his hind side. 

Kinda like Comey?...huh?

During this time set aside to question Sen Sessions for approx three times Sen Lee was interrupted by the "safe space" warriors.

With that being said, here is my stance on the immigration idea and debate. Okay, I understand the whole American dream blah blah. Here are somethings I want people to ponder. We already have a huge shortage of jobs for the little guy and the jobs that use to be in the Middle class are shrinking from lifestyles to retail. Let's go ahead and add everyone with no vetting no nothing. 

We already are suffering as citizens to find jobs, immigrants come now we have imploded the situation even more. Now we have added another class and group of people into that very same pool of not being able to find a job. 

I don't have to tell you the multiple studies and just common damn sense that if people cant find jobs to feed their family or habits they get desperate. 

Crime rises including prostitution and drug sells. Rather on purpose or not, when someone who is not a citizen skips a struggling citizen in line for anything, it is going to build hostility.  

Photo Credit:ABC News -

The Senator from Nebraska (R), Ben Sasse, brought up a very good point we would like to highlight to you all. Sen Sasse pointed out the sever LACK of our children not understanding the purposes and definitions of the three level of government Judiciary, Executive & Legislative branches. We here feel like that is a huge issue across the board. Not just the three levels of USA government, but many other topics as well. This highlighted a issue we bring attention to all the time, proper education and knowing the facts of what you are speaking & fighting for.

Photo Credit:Fox News Insider

Again, the SJW chant their protest & disruption during Sen Ted Cruz (R) of Texas questions to the nominee for AG shouting, "He's a racist!" & another disruption with a African American women chanting strongly, 

"Black Lives Matters...Black Lives Matters!!" "No Trump, No KKK, No Fascias USA!!"

Editors Note:  DeadMan ~X~ has made comments on BLM and comparing them to a "Hate Group." We have got many inquires on this and this is our official and last statement on this group. "BLM IS without a doubt a 'Hate Group'. It is very decisive on many levels. They have been documented chanting "Kill Cops" in many subliminal yet clear terms. If you do not agree with the term 'Hate Group' clear evidence is seen of its divisiveness throughout current society. Let it be noted that & Open Society are proven to be HUGE (in our Trump Voice lulz) fund-ers and supporters of TRUE threats upon our Constitution & way of American living which was set before our forefathers." ~X~ of TFD.

Other example clip of "protest"...Business Insider

Sen Mike Crapo (R) Idaho spoke in reference to Op Choke Point which is the program to "coke" the funds from business that does not follow the "narrative" of the State pushed by the Obama Administration according to Senator Crapo. Sen Sessions stated he would enforce it.

In return, of the Confirmation hearing, was testimony against the nominee for Attorney General. Sen Cory Booker (D) New Jersey (Home of Gov. Chris Kristie HUGE Trump supporter) made history when he will be the first to testify against a member of his own party for a spot in the Cabinet. The first to testify against a sitting member of the same party in the Senate for a Cabinet position to be exact. Speculations are circling that this was more of a stunt and a bid for him to run in 2020 and beyond to be the new "face" of America out of the Democratic Party. They need someone since Hillary Clinton and staff destroyed the Democratic Party single handed-ly in the last Election despite the Popular Vote.

Editors Note: Dr. Jill Stein (G) Wisconsin absolutely hit the "Tool of the Century" for doing the EXACT thing that the Clinton Cartel spoke of after the 3rd and last debate and forward. What is this? Do you recall when the Main Stream media and Press-i-tutes went crazy about how if you don't con-seed and except the "Will of the People" and respect their voice than it is a "threat to our Democracy!" ummmm-hmmm.... This is an example of Sorros funded people failing. Below is a video of not only the sad display of hypocrisy, but States started to strike back to prevent this embarrassing action from truly threatening our Voting System domestically. Dr Stein in my humble & researched theory, you took money from Sorros and ran with an idea that made the Green Party & Independent Party (What is Allepo? Gary Johnson smh) a laughing stock. while taking care of your campaign fees you suddenly no longer needed fundraising for. You lined your pockets with the money of disinformation to half witted people. That is a snake move and needs to be explained to the people you ripped off. It did more harm than good and will effect other chances within those parties in the future to be taken seriously.

Senator Booker was elected in 2013 and again his testimony is the first in Senate history to happen. The part that raised alarms for us was the same as in Sen Lewis testimony. But the killer was when Sen. Booker quoted Black Lives Matters mantra, "No Justice No Peace" and tied it to historical Civil Rights battles.

Last but not least, our buddy, race baiting off base, shackles adding, Sen John Lewis (D) Georgia. I am not going to spend much time on his comments for it truly is just not worth it. To sum it all up he went down the same divisive mainstream media talking points that in my opinion KEEPS the minority community in the shackles of their own slavery. As far as the voting rights issue, being brought up by these gentlemen, with very little research, minorities have influenced and swayed elections on the state, local, Federal and National level for well over 10 years. Before you say, "What is your proof?" Simple, Barak Obama....8 Years....shall we continue....?

aaand yet another burst of ignorance took place right in between Jessie Seroyer (Alabama Deputy Chief Investigator) questioning.

This has turned out to turn heads as much as it was expected. Considering the "losers" are stopping at nothing to turn the election results  "illegitimate" & stop President Elect Trump in anyway, shape or fashion. Do you people see what is going on? The ego's & "Ha, I gotcha..." way surpasses the most important part in any of it...YOU, OUR & I  babies futures. 

Just to think, this is all for the cameras as they high five each other after the "game" like football players in the locker room, or in their cases in the Chambers. You know, the one our taxpayer dollars fund

In closing, the main part of all of this that strikes me, is for YEARS minorities have been fighting for "Civil Rights". Playing right into the 14th Amendment, but who fights for just "civil" rights when minorities should really be fighting for FULL rights! But hey, that is just my opinion.  

By The Way...

Photo Credit:YouTube

Where is Lorretta Lynch?  

What has she been doing? Pretty quiet since meeting with former President to the USA Bill Clinton. If you think about it, she disappeared just as quick as former AG Eric Holder did after Op Fast & Furious. Hmm, eyes open my brothers and sisters. Nothing is new under the sun...  



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