The ~X~ Filez: The Bank for International Settlements- The Federal Reserve

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

The ~X~ Filez: The Bank for International Settlements- The Federal Reserve

"It is well enough that nation do not understand our banking & monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."- Henry Ford

Last article, we touched on the history and the structure of the Bank for International Settlements. Now, we are going to get into the fuckery of the global financial robber bearer.

To do this, we are going to have to explore several banks, treaties, and people all the way back to 1920 and even further. The main thing to understand is the tyrannical and evil banking system which does not just effect the United States but EVERY single territory on this planet is controlled (knowingly or not) by this cartel and their cronies (Central Banks).

"The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the government every since the days of Andrew Jackson."- President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Photo Credit: MBN

Central banks are banking cartels, who have gone into partnership with the government they are in and have no oversight or any government entity that has any relevant relation to the central banks. These banks and bankers are lawless. They are privately owned. Such as the Federal Reserve, which is not "federal" its private.

We also have not held any "reserves" since 1934 when the Federal Reserve gave the gold to the United States Treasury Department in exchange for gold bonds that still hold the value at about $40 a once. (Prices gold was at in 1934)

In this evil partnership, the politicians & governments gave the banks the power of monopoly, while the bankers in exchange prints money out of thin air. Yes, you are reading this right. Our government all governments magically print money and push it back into the economy at an interest rate for you and I on repaying the funny money back to the banks. So, if you print money its called counterfeiting, if your a central bank its "boosting the economy".

Age of Hypocrisy

Editors Note: Although I do understand the banking system, it takes a special type of articulation to be able to bring this information in a fashion all can understand. Please be understanding we are not trying to confuse anyone, the banking system is just that complexioned by definition not in understanding if you are willing to take the blindfold off. So we ask please take notes, do not just read the headline. Arm yourself with knowledge and #DYOR (Do Your Own Research)

How did they get this unstoppable and devastating power over everything?

In 1910, a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, GA, a group of private independent bankers (Rockefeller, Rothschild, Warburg, Ford, JP Morgan, etc)  got together and drafted the Federal Reserve Act that was passed in December 23rd, 1913 though the House and Senate. The stroke of then President Woodrow Wilson signed over the very last control the US would have over its money, just to give the "power of the purse" to the private bankers. mind you this is six years after the Panic of 1907 described above.

We will get deeper into the behind the story of this as the article goes forward hang on.

According to the Federal Reserve of St. Louis video titled "Where the Bankers Bank"  , the Panic of 1907 was due to all the states having their own currency (Bank Notes) where in some places the currency of that state meant nothing. it was worthless.


Now in those days, people wanted to keep their money safe. Keeping it at home was not smart during that time in fear the house or place where their gold was stored could be robbed.

The public deposited gold into the banks, getting "receipts" for the gold which by definition the owner could retrieve it at anytime. Currencies were all over the place due to the non-acceptance and value being rejected in some instances.

People started going to the banks, demanding their receipt be met with gold or silver. Even more because they lost absolute confidence in the system in fear that the bank would go under. 

The American people went into hysteria at the instability of the bank system, its complete shut down and the main fact. The bank could not fulfill the request, hence the Panic of 1907.

Editors Note: Does this sound familiar in recent history? Cypress, Greece ring a bell? 

We all know there is always two sides of the story...

Going back to the REAL events that went under a high sense of security and secrecy back on Jekyll Island, GA...

Photo Credit:Golden Isles

Senator Nelson Aldrich aka "The General Manager of the Nation" according to the press at times& the father in law of John D Rockefeller Jr., got together the richest and most powerful men together to aboard his train, headed to Jekyll Island to put together the Federal Reserve Act on November 22nd, 1910.  

Photo Credit:Business Insider

Joining him on this trip was trip is some gentleman we are sure you have heard of today. Maybe even do business rather knowingly or not with the companies that steam from these men to give you a sense of how we got to where we are now nationally and globally:
Fun fact: This mission was so secret the did not even use their whole names as they traveled to the location. It took several years before the first peep came on a publication by none other than Bertie Charles Forbes the founder of Forbes Magazine.   

Nothing to see here right? But that's none of our business.👍👌

"The study of money above all others fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth, or to evade truth, not to reveal it."- John Kenneth Galbraith

The Federal Reserve has one part in its process that actual is up to the government (President) is to elect the Federal Reserve Board. That my friends is the ONLY Federal part of this private global entity. They are printing money out of thin air & tax WE THE PEOPLE WORLDWIDE for its debt! 

Understand, the Fed has NEVER been audited.
(Even though political pundits STILL whine about President- Elect Trump releasing his taxes. I say again...Age of Hypocrisy.) 

These banks, privately owned, who regionally, all connect to collaborate or better yet "conspire" to play chess with every single one of us on this earth?! 

Photo Credit: 

From the poor to the 2%ers, from the farmers to the doctor, from the little boy/girl in being bombed in Syria to your next door neighbor...yes my beautiful humans this is the reality. Get educated. Do Your Own Research. Do not blow this subject off like they teach now in the Common Core education system. 

This is important and worth the time. We will do our best here at FTD to keep bringing you the facts of this tyrannical system they did not teach you in school.. Believe me, we just scratched the surface.

Photo Credit:Hollywood Psychics
What is in your wallet hmmm? 



  1. Good article with accurate information. Many will learn a lot from this. Keep up the great work folks...

    1. Truth Journal- that is such a HUGE honor coming from you! Thank you so much!~X~


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