The Weekly Receipt 12/26/16 Last of 2016

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

US National Debt 

Money Creation

US Snap Shot (Economics & Population)


Abortion Clock

Hunger Stats


Dow Jones (As of Dec. 23rd due to the Holidays)

Finally, we would like to thank ALL of our readers!!! We started this adventure just about a month ago. The reception and response has been so humbling. In 2017 we will be doing even more to bring you the facts for you to #DYOR (Do Your Own Research) learn and then spread the knowledge in a responsible and firm manor. We will leave you this year with some stats of our own so you can see the growth in just a month of creation! We thank you and will be right here for the start of 2017! Till then have a great holiday and we will see you next year in January 2017 right here at The Factual Dragnet!

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