Rant Zone: Age of the Ostrich

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

Disclaimer: The views & opinion expressed in this article do neccessarially represent the views or opinions of Anonymous North Texas, The Real World Order or any sector....if you do not like....We do not care.-ANTRN

You do not deserve benefits, special rights, attorney fees etc all given to your not a citizen of the country. No country does this. We as "bring in your sick...." if that's the case as people love to scream....why do we have a wall already? Why do we have immigration laws? even though the system sucks, why do we have ICE? Why do we have Boarder Patrol? I dont care if you come from Narnia or the Netherlands...it pisses me off that people who are citizens cannot get the financial help, assistance that I have witnessed people who are not legal. I have been apart of a first hand account of illegals doing some messed up stuff.

I am sure your sitting and thinking "that's un-American" ok....ponder this...if you walked in someones house as a guest is it ok to move the furniture and all the homeowners stuff so you feel comfortable? Do you go in the homeowners wallet and take their money? Would you allow someone to come into your home and tell you to speak whatever of they will be offended? No you wouldn't.....not a psychic but I'm guessing something would come out your mouth such as "If you don't want to respect my house, my family,, property or my RULES then you can get tf out" right? Is it not shocking to anyone yet how El Peppi Pope Francis waves his finger at you but has not taken one refugee?

The whole Germany and Turkey shooting I refrain from commenting till i get all the facts straight (accountability....i know i know but yes its still around) but does it make anyone else raise an eyebrow? What high profile government official doesn't have the very best protecting him? It took 5 min to shoot the guy who went nuts? The blood thing (not touching it). Then how convenient that there was a "shootout" and the "suspect" is dead. As they said back in the day...."Dead Men cant tell tales" (Ask Hillary)

The talking point plays right into the Strong Cities Initiative (thanks to Loser Lorreta Lynch) bring together all the intelligence or intelligence share across all boarders and jurisdiction...."Brave New World"? Lets Continue.... (CNN, MSNBC, NPR to name a few I have heard it repeated and hammered on just this morning)The MSM....the good ol media-whores and Press-itutes to quote the amazing Gerald Celente. The markets are up....yay....but this shows how people don't understand the global banking system. The dollar raises it effects more than meets the eye.The media has perfected it so well with propaganda and double speech it honestly leaves me speechless. "Our Union is strong" "The global economy is at its best in x amount of years" "China is collapsing (business sector numbers) Greece in shambles....Italy been going through it and more territories than I care to name at the moment, back to the recent attacks (sorry I digressed).....

Do you realize since 9/11 how many countries ramped up surveillance? I mean in France they have cameras EVERYWHERE! Look at here there are some cities that have them in every light pole, traffic light, store, freeway...everywhere. but the resolution according to the gov (all of them) we need more security!!! how many more cameras and intelligence gathering hubs and stingrays and warrant-less taps you do on phones and ANY electrical device even if its off? or how about they watch us so well for our "safety" that your Smart TV comes with warning to watch what you say because "big brother" IS listening. Dont want to believe the manual...then go to the DOJ website and check it out. Oh and you will get your safety but you can kiss your privacy away!

 ~S~ brought up a excellent point TPP "free trade" story isn't even 10% of exactly what it brings. Not to mention we don't even know jack about TTIP. Most of you have never even heard of RCEP or ASEAN+1, SCO....nope. Its not racism that's ripping us apart....its not the bankers...nope....its not the illegals....not the death of this whole planet will be the result of one thing.....ignorance.
Carry on


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