#NoDAPL:From The Front Lines 1st Edition

Photo Credit: Indigenous Environmental Network

Written By: ~X~ of TFD

#NoDAPL: From The Front Lines 1st Edition
Unless you have been living under a rock, I am almost sure our readers have heard of what is going on with the Dakota Access Pipeline. I personally do not want to go through the hoops of the propaganda and circus. We are solely here to report the raw facts of what is going on from my contacts on the ground thanks to Honey Bee of The Real World Order Movement. 

We purposely have not put anything out yet on this really because we want to sift through the BS and get to the facts. Bottom line...THIS IS WRONG! 

The treatment and blatant LIES the mainstream media and the local Law Enforcement has spewed out in the last few months. 

FB Message From The Morton County Sheriffs Dept

There has been stories and reports from the police according to the Washington Post states the water cannons was used to put out "fires" set by the protestors. 

"Look at what they are doing to our women...." 
Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn

 Pictures courtesy of
Christina Hernandez
In the next week, we will be releasing videos, links and pictures of what is going on there. Now, we already know how bias the media is and how they rather cover Trumps tweets, then shed "real light" on something that is honestly heart wrenching. Either or, we are just bringing you the facts from what we know from the people there with no spin.

The video below is a gentleman who has had the guts like many in the camp to share this information with us and you all. As a journalist who took on Homan Square in Illinois I am ready for this battle as well. This deserves attention and action.

If you would like to keep up with whats going on this is a list from  Dallas Goldtooth shared also by Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn

With the platforms we are blessed to have we will do our journalistic best and human duty to bring you the truth and as always #DYOR (Do Your Own Research). 

Thanksgiving video message from Steven Jeffrey Chrisjohn



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