
Showing posts from August, 2017

TFD Exclusive: Front Lines- Hurricane Harvey

Written By: Murdoch Pizgatti Safety Update  As usual what happens when the state department shows up they start violating personal rights and freedoms claiming ownership of you. They are now saying they will arrest people with long guns in Port Arthur and Beaumont. Pistols are still being allowed. Where are our constitutional Sherri right now? Have they been completely federalized like the police?  This is wrong, illegal, unjustified and violates our State law. This loss of state sovereignty and show of authority is where the reality sets in. The federal government is flexing it's ownership of Texas and endangering people's lives. We have been doing fine the last week all carrying whatever means of protection we had.  We kept the looters at bay and have been saving thousands and thousands of lives. Now the feds want to "fix it". If there was ever a better issue and justification for a real conversation on Texit secession from the Union, t...

TFD WatchList-#OpAllHandzOnDeck: Tropical Storm IRMA Round 2?

Written By: ~X~ of TFD #OpAllHandzOnDeck: Tropical Storm IRMA Public Advisory  (Has been developing off the coast of Africa) Tropical Storm IRMA   Marine Forecast 8/30/2017 Weather Models Canadian  Miami Herald Washington Post WCHS6

#OpAllHandzOnDeck: Hurricane Harvey

 Photo Credit: Written By: ~X~ of TFD    #OpAllHandzOnDeck: Hurricane Harvey Greetings All: Here at The Real World Order, Against The Grain, The Factual Dragnet & ANT (Against Normal Trends formerly Anonymous North Texas, we are temporarily suspending day to day operations in order to donate our services in any capacity to the victims of this horrid storm. Before we go on any further, there some things I need to speak on that have seriously made me angry and disgusted. 1. The Media Whore's and Press-i-tutes and Congress people who make the tragedy a Political Football. You all are a disgrace. How dare you. But at the same time what do I expect from a group of do nothing, half witted, government tit suckers who have demonstrated time after time just how worthless and greedy they are yet we re-elect them.  2. The Looters and POS robbers praying on victims I don't wish bad upon anyone... BUT BUT BUT.... I do COMPLETELY ...

Moment of Clarity: Khazarian Empire By: Guy Foote of #RWO

  Photo Credit: World of Buzz Written By: Guy Foote of the #RWO Moment of Clarity: Khazarian Empire By: Guy Foote of #RWO Western governments are all hijacked by Zionism which hides its true objectives very well. The Ukraine is very important in the strategy to rebuild the old Khazarian Empire which included the land we now know as Ukraine, Georgia and Kazakhstan. Photo Credit: BBC UK This explains the massive build up of anti-Russian hate propaganda we are experiencing in our media. If you look up the new capital city of Khazakhstan, Astana you will see all the occult symbolism that has been employed in its construction. It is phenomenally masonic and focuses on the original Turkic religious obsession with sun worship. It is my contention that global Zionism has created a distraction by focusing its attention on creating chaos in the middle east, appearing to support Israel when I think it is abundantly clear that they intend to eradicate Israel ...

TFD WatchList: Military Congressional Complex

Written By: ~X~ of TFD TFD Watch List: Military Congressional Complex These companies and entities have our "representatives" in Congress in their back pockets. #TFD List #LockheedMartin #GeneralDynamics #NorthropGrumman #Boeing #Raytheon #BoozAllenHamilton   #RANDCorp  #CarlyleGroup We are sure there are other honorable mentions but the list provided are the ones that are the wheel and oil of war that makes up the Military Industrial Complex here in America. Every year like clock work, this corrupt piece of liberty robbing document is renewed by the US Committee on Armed Forced in both the House & Senate every year since the very first one in ...

The Weekly Receipt 8/28/2017

The Weekly Receipt Abortion Stats Earthquakes   Hurricane Harvey (Texas Landfall) Volcanoes Dow Jones World Markets Commodities Fear & Greed Index US Debt Clock World Debt Clock (Top 10) US Population Stats Gold Demand (By Country) Energy Consumption Gold Holdings Pew Research Public's Worldwide Unfavorable Toward Putin, Russia U.S. Muslims are religiously observant, but open to multiple interpretations of Islam 4 charts on how people around the world see education Gallup Gallup Daily 8/28/2017     Republicans', Democrats' Views of Media Accuracy Diverge         Banks Gain Ground in Struggle to Rebuild Positive Image     ...