
Showing posts from December, 2016

The Weekly Receipt 12/26/16 Last of 2016

Written By: ~X~ of TFD US National Debt  Money Creation   US Snap Shot (Economics & Population)   Gold Abortion Clock Hunger Stats Via WFP Dow Jones (As of Dec. 23rd due to the Holidays) Finally, we would like to thank ALL of our readers!!! We started this adventure just about a month ago. The reception and response has been so humbling. In 2017 we will be doing even more to bring you the facts for you to #DYOR (Do Your Own Research) learn and then spread the knowledge in a responsible and firm manor. We will leave you this year with some stats of our own so you can see the growth in just a month of creation! We thank you and will be right here for the start of 2017! Till then have a great holiday and we will see you next year in January 2017 right here at The Factual Dragnet! Page Views by Country All time views (this is in less than a month!!!)

Rant Zone: Age of the Ostrich

Written By: ~X~ of TFD Disclaimer: The views & opinion expressed in this article do neccessarially represent the views or opinions of Anonymous North Texas, The Real World Order or any sector....if you do not like....We do not care.-ANTRN You do not deserve benefits, special rights, attorney fees etc all given to your not a citizen of the country. No country does this. We as "bring in your sick...." if that's the case as people love to scream....why do we have a wall already? Why do we have immigration laws? even though the system sucks, why do we have ICE? Why do we have Boarder Patrol? I dont care if you come from Narnia or the pisses me off that people who are citizens cannot get the financial help, assistance that I have witnessed people who are not legal. I have been apart of a first hand account of illegals doing some messed up stuff. I am sure your sitting and thinking "that's un-American" ok....ponder this....

Anon Resistance #OPExoseCPS Worldwide

Written By: ~X~ of TFD Co author, all rights reserved, artwork & content provided in full from Ash Fawks and all of the Anon Resistance family. Welcome to the Anonymous Resistance Movement We are an up and coming news media outlet and activist organization focusing on education through Anarchist philosophy. We are a network of Anonymous members from around the globe and an Anarchist sect of Anonymous supporting direct action groups (ALF, AntiFa, ect) as well as Anarchist philosophy in action such as Agorism. We bring you alternative views on modern events from an Anarchist or Voluntaryist perspective. We support all forms of Anarchist action and thought. We believe in active resistance to the systems of tyranny placed upon us. We have come together to work to provide this website as a resource to the Anonymous/Activist community, to allow us to support each other and break ties with the governmental systems used to control our lives and keep us as slaves. ...

The Weekly Receipt 12/19/2016

The Weekly Receipt 12/19/2016 Abortion Clock (Updates 12/19/2016 US Debt Clock US Snap Shot Energy Output & Stats World Holdings & Reserves Refugee Stats 3-Year Growth of Syrian Asylum Applications in Europe (as of January 2016)  Number of Registered Refugees  Deaths & Mortality  Child Health Military Spending FY 2016 Market Numbers 12/19/2016 Fear & Greed Index   Hot Stocks     Syria Numbers  Haiti Info National Unemployment Rates 2008-2016 Update: ‘Faithless’ Electors Mostly Came From States Clinton Won  

Sponsorship/Investiment Opportunities & Networking

Lets Work Together?! Written By: ~X~ of TFD Greetings All! Thank you for taking the time to check out this post.I am ~X~, Editor & Chief of The Factual Dragnet (TFD). Off top, we here are SO THANKFUL for the love, support that we have got in this short time. We truly are humbled and is the fuel to the fire to keep going and stay with the high standards of truth you all expect. We are currently focusing on two subjects 1 .Sponsorship/Investors 2.Mentoring/Advice Sponsorship/Investors We would like to have sponsorship from items and products we as a whole can stand behind. We are all about survival gear, pros, etc. We know there are several angles to approach this but know we want to ADD to your company for helping us. Rather that's with traffic to your products and sites through html embedding, banners on each blog etc.  We are open to whatever it takes to land you, help your business as well as ours and the most important fact is that we rem...

'Merika The Ugly: The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Photo From : Fox 13 Tampa Written By: ~X~ of TFD Men & women from all ac ross the United States of America have laid down their lives for the sake of the freedoms that a re so often misundersto od, politi cized , exploited and under re searched. The horror of the battlefield is one that can n ot be understood from a video on You Tube or a article video. These warriors live it. Not only do they sacrif ice their lives, the families, spouses and people in the community also go along for the ride of protecting this land from enemies, foreign and domestic. But... The war does not stop on the front lines. Once these warriors come home the face a new enemy. One of the gut wrenching , knife in the back bending enemy. A careless wolf in Federal clothing. Lets go down this rabbit hole and explore some of the few "dropped balls" the very agen cy has done to our warriors and their families. D isturbing at best : 24-page report concluded that hospice staf...

Ponder This: GWEN Towers

Written & Researched By: Ashley Ann Justice Ponder This: GWEN Towers Some info on GWEN towers... What are They?  What are they REALLY used for? In the realm of government conspiracies discussed on the Internet, it doesn’t take long to hear about GWEN towers. The topic comes up again and again in forums regarding government mind control programs.  Here’s a complete explanation of how this would work.…/esp_scalartech04.htm The potential for attuned frequencies, and extremely low frequency (ELF) waves in particular, to be used to electronically stimulate areas of the brain and alter mood has been documented in scientific research for decades now. Also,microwaves have allegedly been put to use in covert warfare since the early days of the Cold War. Are signals directing the population to remain calm, become aggressive, desire and consume products, to enter a sleep state or to be artificial...