
Showing posts from December, 2017

Don't be Hip...Be It

Written By: Puck Arks  Anonymous is not an idea that can be locked up in a single word or concept because it is ever changing.  T hat is not because it can mean anything, but rather because it is a way of life, and life is subjective. Those who are Anonymous are the ones who chooses to live on their own terms. In particular, it is one who choose to carry on the struggle for truth and justice on their own terms, without any room for compromise or negotiation with the ruling institutions.  T his refusal does not stem from a desire for one being better than another. It comes from the recognition that any compromise would be a further relinquishment of the lives and injustice that exists which have already been ripped away from societies and the people time and time again.  I t is the struggle that we will not be silent, we will not comply and we will not compromise on injustice and truth. Freedom can only be realized by freedom and for that t...

Op-Ed: Can We Have A Good Society of Humans?

 Op-Ed: Can We Have A Good Society of Humans? Written By: Puck Arks   I often get asked is it possible to create a good human society here on earth.  My answer is always the same, a resounding yes.  I n order to do so however, we need mindfulness and unselfish intention. As human beings, we are influenced by our environment. If we create an environment of aggression, anger and disharmony, fear will become the norm.  Conversely, if we create an environment of kindness, love, compassion and generosity, the world will embrace and begin to feel a sense of peace.  I f we are to create peace, our relationship with the environment is a vital aspect, particularly our relationship with the inner environment; our consciousness.  I f we don’t have a peaceful and harmonious relationship with our own being, it will be impossible for us to create peace anywhere else. Without a personal experience of peace, we won’t even believe in ...

Air: The Fourth Element By: Puck Arks

 Photo Credit: Molly Larkin   Air: The Fourth Element  Written By: Puck Arks   The fourth element of our body is air The best way to experience the air element is the practice of mindful breathing.  " Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. "  After saying these sentences we can abbreviate them by saying " In " as we breathe in and " Out " as we breathe out. We don't try to control our breathing. Whether our in-breath is long or short, deep or shallow, we just breathe naturally and shine the light of mindfulness on it.  When we do this we notice that, in fact, our breathing does become slower and deeper naturally.  " Breathing in, my in-breath has become deep. Breathing out, my out- breath has become slow. " Now we can practice , " Deep/slow ." We don't have to make an extra effort. It just becomes deeper and slower by itself, and we recognize ...

Simple Meditation for Anyone

 Photo Credit: Thank Your Body Simple Meditation for Anyone Written By: Puck Arks First Mindfulness Exercise...   Mindful Breathing The first exercise is very simple, but the power, the result, can be very great. The exercise is simply to identify the in-breath as in-breath and the out-breath as the out-breath. When you breathe in, you know that this is your in-breath. When you breathe out, you are mindful that this is your out-breath. Just recognize: this is an in-breath, this is an out-breath. Very simple, very easy. In order to recognize your in-breath as in-breath, you have to bring your mind home to yourself. What is recognizing your in-breath is your mind, and the object of your mind—the object of your mindfulness—is the in-breath.  Mindfulness is always mindful of something. When you drink your tea mindfully, it’s called mindfulness of drinking. When you walk mindfully, it’s called mindfulness of walking. And when you breath...

You Got Mail By: Hugo Omar Aghosta

You Got Mail   Written By: Hugo Omar Aghosta Mail to the Jail isn't just for Christmas time, but it's that time of year. Please drop a line to some of the folks who put it all on the line...  Thanks, One Heart ❤ updated 12/27/2017  MartyG's new address Marty Gottesfeld, ID#71225 Unit H1, cell 119 PCCF 26 Long Pond Road Plymouth, MA 02360 Matthew Paul DeHart #06813-036 FCI Ashland Federal Correctional Institution PO Box 6001 Ashland, KY 41105 Jeremy Hammond, #18729-424 FCI Milan P.O. Box 1000 Milan, MI 48160 Jeffrey Sterling, 38338-044 FCI Englewood Federal Correctional Institution 9595 West Quincy Ave. Littleton, CO 80123 Timothy Justen French #47606-074 MCC Chicago Metropolitan Correctional Center 71 West Van Buren Street Chicago, IL 60605

Against The Grain Radio Show- Im A Soldier Of Love

  Against The Grain- Im A Soldier Of Love Often times, I find myself seriously trying to write something meaningful, worthy, hell even "catchy" Yea, I do not have any of that. It have been a long time since we have all chatted ladies and gents, Oh and discuss we will. We miss you, (not all just most lmao). Seriously we are back, back to giving you those hours of hard hitting white noise filtered unadulterated fact. So, garb your lawn chair and popcorn cause Pools closed baby! and YES we are taking callers...sooo umm call. Lulz. So YESSSS We will be taking calls from you crazy peeps. :) (347) 850-1876. December 26, 2017

ACTivism: The Survival of Mother Earth

Written By: Puck Arks ACTivism: The Survival of Mother Earth The survival of Mother Earth and humanity’s consciousness is calling each of us, all of us whether we are aware or not to this awakening. The time has arrived where we must embrace our own individual power, find our own voice, and our own talents of being an active participant to bring about change in this world. There will be obstacles and it is not an easy life.  Most activists are broke or struggling because we refuse to comply to a system meant to oppress or enslave. In my very humble opinion anyone who accepts money to be an activist whether it be writing, speaking engagements, public events etc is already part of the system they are attempting to change.  So where does one begin? For me it’s not a difficult question. One must follow their heart, their passion, that which feeds the soul daily and yes that fire burning from the inside out to the point that silence is no lo...

The Basics of Mindfulness Practice

 Written By: Hugo Omar Aghosta    The Basics of Mindfulness Practice Mindfulness helps us put some space between ourselves and our reactions, breaking down our conditioned responses. Here’s how to tune into mindfulness throughout the day: Set aside some time. You don’t need a meditation cushion or bench, or any sort of special equipment to access your mindfulness skills—but you do need to set aside some time and space. Observe the present moment as it is. The aim of mindfulness is not quieting the mind, or attempting to achieve a state of eternal calm. The goal is simple: we’re aiming to pay attention to the present moment, without judgement. Easier said than done, we know. Let your judgments roll by. When we notice judgements arise during our practice, we can make a mental note of them, and let them pass. Return to observing the present moment as it is. Our minds often get carried away in thought. That’s why mindfulness is th...

The Joy's of ~X~Mas

Written By: ~X~ of TFD The Joy's of ~X~Mas Christmas is not just a gift for you but for the FBI, CIA, DARPA etc.  Meaning... People are willing to jeopardize it all for likes.  (selfies and your on the run, wanted, etc) and we wonder why Congress is how they are? Look, there is no "special" gene pool for politicians... This is the new norm Welcome to China United 美国 People kill themselves and wake early to get a flat screen but can't get to work on time. We are making HUGE meals and patting ourselves on the back as their are people who owuld kill to have a view let alone the ones we have. I am not trying to be a "debbie downer" but for fuck sakes people. How many missing people, killed people, people who have passed, or missing today? I am not saying to have fun, but like every thing in life, there needs to be balance. To not be wasteful & never forget.... where you are today can go away jus...

Understand The Soil You are On By: Puck Arks

Written By: Puck Arks Understand The Soil You are On  Whether we can wake up or not depends on whether we can all walk mindfully on our Mother Earth. The future of all life, including our own, depends on our steps. We have to hear and see the signs of our universe that are sounding all across he earth. We have to start learning how to live in a way so that a future will be possible for our children and our grandchildren. If we continue to live as we have been living, consuming without a thought to the future, destroying our forests and emitting greenhouse gases, destroying our life sustaining water resources.  Much of our ecosystem is being destroyed. With 8 current wars forcing hundreds of millions of refugees from their homes, creating more wars, outbreaks of infectious disease and starvation of epic proportions. Our mass consumption of items which we do not need to show love, that is slowly bringing people away from one another. We have...

Tech Giants Controls and Knows You Very Well

    Written By: Hugo Omar Aghosta    Photo Credit: Grist Tech Giants Controls and Knows You Very Well Monopolies are " bad ", Oligarchical systems are worse... As the battle for the net ( profits and content ) continues, don't forget for a second that Facebook, Google, Twitter, the big newspapers, radio and TV outlets ALREADY control the content you can post and decide what you can read, see and hear. The outrage reported by the social media behemoths and content providers about net neutrality rings hollow.  None-the-less, it is critical that no additional rules are allowed that extend the reach of both content providers or those who own the digital infrastructure. # NetNeutrality is a roadblock to further deregulation. It stymies the continued attempt by the billionaires to decide what's best for them.  It is class war. # DeleteTheElite # PeopleBeforeProfits # InformationShouldBeFree # EndTheCorporatocracy # RollBa...

History Repeats

Written By: Hugo Omar Aghosta Source Material: "The Deep State, the Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of the Shadow Government" by Mike Lofgren History Repeats I got my hands on a copy of " The Deep State, the Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of the Shadow Government " by Mike Lofgren . from the introduction:  "Anyone who has spent time on Capitol Hill will occasionally get the feeling when watching debates in the House or Senate chambers that he or she is seeing a kind of marionette theater, with members of Congress reading carefully vetted talking points about prefabricated issues. This impression was particularly strong both in the run-up to the Iraq war and later, during the mock deliberations over funding that ongoing debacle. While the public is now aware of the disproportionate influence of powerful corporations over Washington, best exemplified by the judicial travesty known as the Citizens United dec...

#OpSafeWinter #HelpTheHomeless #Right2Rest #Right2Feed

  Written By: Puck Arks   # OpSafeWinter # HelpTheHomeless # Right2Rest # Right2Feed   Greetings World, We are Anonymous. Every year Anonymous organizes around the world to help feed, clothe and provide enough basic necessities and even just someone to talk with to ensure those less fortunate and their pets survive the winter. Each and every person has the ability to make a difference in your community.  We are not only the voice for the voiceless we are the change that shows humanity still exists and no one is ever forgotten.  564,708 people in the U.S. are homeless. According to a recent report, over half a million people were living on the streets, in cars, in homeless shelters, or in subsidized transitional housing during a one-night national survey last January.  Of that number, 206,286 were people in families, 358,422 were individuals, and a quarter of the entire group were children. 83,170 ...

Dealing with Cold Weather

Written By: Puck Arks   Dealing with Cold Weather   • Dehydration is a major factor in hypothermia and other cold injuries • Drink 4 liters of water a day before going into the field to build a fluid cushion while you are protesting. Maintain at 4 liters a day while protest- ing • Cold weather increases your need for fluid intake but does not increase thirst. Be aware of fluid intake, chapped lips, and urination to keep your- self hydrated. You should drink until your lips are not chapped and your pee is clear and copious • Your body wastes a lot of heat keeping your pee warm. If you have to pee, go pee. You will feel warmer Add fuel to the furnace • Snack on nuts or energy bars throughout the day • Take warm nutritious fluids. Deliver fluids in the form of hot chocolate, hot cider, instant miso soup, Jell-o mix (with sugar) dissolved in warm water, and ginger tea with honey. Bring a thermos and scout opportunities for ho...

ACTivism: Winter Series Continued

  Written By: Puck Arks   Winter Series Continued   C old-weather care   is serious stuff. In military medicine, cold-weather injuries routinely account for more casualties and lost man-hours than all other injuries combined. In street medicine and wilderness medicine, similar trends have been observed. When taken seriously, cold-weather casualty and lost time can be almost eliminated. R ecognize cold-weather injuries and assess their severity Hypothermia H ypothermia occurs when the body is unable to maintain an adequate temperature because of excessive heat loss. This can happen when it is not freezing cold outside; hypothermia most often happens in wet conditions or when people have burns. Mild Hypothermia I f shivering can be stopped voluntarily, it is mild hypothermia. The person can’t do complex motor functions with her hands but can still walk and talk. Skin is cool due to vasoconstriction. Hands are numb. ...