Who is winning? The Military Industrial Complex
By: Hugo Omar Aghosta Part 1 I 'm certain that the political posts get to be too much, but few are as obsessed as I am about how we got into this mess. It's really quite simple as I look back over it. Starting in 1960, Eisenhower warned of the danger of the military-industrial complex. More than a term bandied about to make memes with, the threat was real and is now our reality. The final straw was the passage of Citizens United which allowed unlimited contributions to lawmakers. Naturally, many of those donating are in the arms, banking, oil and pharmaceutical businesses. No longer a joke, "pay-to-play" is the norm, not the exception. Some might remember when bribes to Congress were illegal, now it is sanctioned and supported by law. S ince before the breakup of the Soviet Union, the CIA has been involved in chicanery in foreign countries. Deposing a "dictator," replacing him with a puppet who represented "U.S." interests...